Chapter 63

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The question surprised the young men in the room because none of them had really given it a thought as to why their demon friend wouldn't be with them yet.

They had been too busy in their teary reunions that the memory of him didn't even strike them.

Namjoon scanned the room as if Hoseok was hiding there somewhere when he suddenly remembered how quick he had vanished from the "battlefield".

"I think he has problems regaining control," Namjoons voice laced with worry over the fact that the Hobi they knew, might be gone.

"He is a strange creature, interesting combination" Mrs Park was staring straight ahead of her, not really focussing on anything other than the thoughts circling in her head. "To give up so much, the sacrifices he has done," her lower lip quivered, feeling anxious for the man occupying her mind.

She turned, quickly disappearing into the kitchen before any of the young men could even comprehend what she had just said or ask any questions about it.

Taehyungs hair rising on his body still in the secure embrace of Jungkook, his thoughts coming out loud "What does she mean with sacrifices?" he asked as if he expected any of the others in the room to have an answer for him.

"I don't know," Jungkook practically mumbled, brushing a lock of hair away from the betas forehead. "I don't think any of us really knows how Hoseok came to exist. He won't tell and I don't think he ever will," the alpha continued.

"It's a secret I believe even Hoseok himself wants to forget about," Jin shot in, moving over to one of the bookshelves close to Mrs Parks armchair.

"What do you mean Jin?" Namjoon tilted his head, curious.

"I've only read it in one of the books about extinct magic creatures that my father got for me on my 14th birthday," his hand gracing the thick, brown binding before pulling the book out.

"A demon possessing your body means you've done something unimaginable. Something that causes your soul to leave and your heart to break," Jin flipped the pages, skimming threw the text to see if he could find what he was searching for.

Another page and his movements halted, his finger following the text together with his eyes before he gulped, reading out loud.

"A demon will seek out a person it thinks it can manipulate into saying yes. It needs permission and a sacrifice that most people will never go through with. Its ammunition is the power it possesses and the ability to read a creatures mind." Jin paused skipping through a few more pages before reading again.

"The main reason that causes a person to say yes is the need for power, often in association with revenge. But, the sacrifice is unbearable for most, because of the guilt they feel after doing it," Jin pauses again before his eyes widen, not sure if he wants to read the next sentence out loud.

"Hyung, what is it?" Jungkook anticipates, wanting to know the rest.

Namjoon notices a tear leaving his omegas eye and he quickly rushes over to give him a comforting hug. The alphas gaze lands on the text than Jin has been reading, his eyes lingering on the sentence before gulping as well.

"In order to give the demon access to its body, the person must do a deed which will cause their soul to leave and their heart to break into two pieces, one for the person and one for the creature." Namjoon swallows.

"The deed being, killing the ones you love the most," the room fell silent.


"I've been watching you for a long time. Did you really think that you could outsmart me? I know what you have done." the menacing laugh that followed caused Hoseok to shiver.

His arms being tightly chained about his head, causing an agonizing pain to shoot through his body as the metal kept digging into his skin. The blindfold making it impossible to see the intimidating man standing in front of him.

"You have been quite busy lately, haven't you? Even ruining one of my experiments. Is revenge really that important to you?" the man snickered causing Hoseok to twitch, an angry growl leaving his throat now recognising the man who's grinning viciously in front of him.

"You might as well get comfortable, cause you're staying for a while," the man mocked, teeth on display even tough Hoseok couldn't see them.

"With the creature inside you, you will be very useful to me and I will find away to lure him out," Hoseok shivered, feeling the gust of wind on his face as the door opened and closed, the lock ringing as an echo in his head.


"MOM!" Jimin shot up from the bed, pearls of sweat littering his pale forehead and his clothes sticking to his body. His eyes scanned the room in a frantic attempt to find the woman waiting for him.

However, he did not expect to see a pale creature nonchalantly leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room. "Yoongi?" Jimin was confused, not really sure if the vampire was actually standing in front of him or not.

"Yoongi!" realization hit Jimin hard as he pushed himself off the bed and launched towards the vampire who didn't expect the sudden attack.

Yoongi stood there awkwardly, not really sure how to behave or react as the young halfling embraced him in a breath-taking hug. For a moment Yoongi found himself relieved over the fact that he didn't need to breathe cause Jimin had a steel grip on him.

"Ehm," Yoongi coughed, reeling Jimin back to the current situation and the now flustered young man quickly let go of the creature in front of him, "Sorry," he mumbled, his cheeks flaring red and his eyes diverting to the floor, suddenly finding it interesting.

"I thought you were dead," Jimins soft voice could have caused Yoongis heart to melt, if he had one. Tears effortlessly streamed down his chubby cheeks and Jimin quickly dried them away, wanting to be strong in front of the vampire

"It takes more than a dagger to kill me," Yoongi mocked, standing up proud as if he was invincible.

Before the duo could share more, the door to Jimins room busted open. Mrs Parks breath was uneven; she had clearly been running up the stairs. She laid a hand on her chest in a desparate attempt to calm her heartbeat down. Her eyes landed on her son and before Jimin got a chance to move, he was engulfed in his mothers arms, literally pushing the air out of him.

"Can't breathe," Jimin gasped before his mom finally let go, a loving smile displayed on her face, but it quickly turned to a frown.

She turned watching the four curious young men who had followed her upstairs, wondering what the commotion was about.

Mrs Park swallowed, a dreadful feeling tugging at her heart cause she knew that after she had helped them, she would now have to betray them.

The last young man couldn't be saved.

It was too risky and Mrs Park just got her son back. She didn't want to loose him again. Not to that monster who had caused all of this to happen in the first place. She knew what she had to do. The man had informed her that this might happen and that if she played her role perfectly, he would finally leave.

He promised that he wouldn't hurt them again.

"You're demon friend is in danger. Lethal danger" her voice distant, planning her next moves.

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