Chapter 22

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"Come on Kookie, why won't you run naked with me? It will be fun" Taehyung teased, trotting ahead of the black wolf. The dark brown beta had always had a playful and taunting personality and Jungkook couldn't help but to smile on the inside.

His unclaimed mate was perfect, even though Taehyung didn't know it yet; Jungkook knew that they would live a long and happy life together as head alpha and luna of his fathers pack.

They would lead with greatness and pride and everyone would look up to them with respect. Jungkook closed his eyes, thinking about the many possibilities that would come in the future as he comfortably listened to the soft noise their paws made against the ground.

Taehyung stopped, shaking his body intentionally, feeling how the wind caught his fur, sending his scent towards the alpha behind. Jungkook sniffed the air around him and deeply inhaled the sweet scent that came from ahead, causing him to halt his movement.

He opened his eyes and could visibly see the smirk that was planted on the beta in front of him,

Teasing much?

"You're a very loud thinker, you know that?" the brown wolf huffed before shaking his head and Jungkook let a low growl escape his throat upon hearing the continued snickering from the beta ahead of him.

"You're a tease and kind of a dick, you know that?" Jungkook shot back and Taehyung just rolled his green, glowing eyes before continue trotting.

As they reached the beginning of their street, the two werewolves snuck closer to one of the old shops located on the far right. They quickly hid behind one of the dumpsters even though their massive size could easily be seen from far away. However, that didn't last long and soon after, low, pained growls and whimpers could be heard as the massive animals slowly, but surely turned into two immature, young men.

Jungkook put his hands in the air, stretching out his sore muscles before tilting his head from side to side, feeling his neck pop. Everything literally on display and the alpha couldn't help but smirk when he realised there was a certain beta staring at him.

"Like what you see?" Jungkook mocked and laughed when Taehyungs cheeks turned a bright red. The beta quickly looked away, ashamed, but not letting the alpha win.

"Meh," Taehyung shrugged. "Average," he lied, but he managed to convince the alpha in front of him. The beta held his laugh as Jungkook gaped from the sentence, evidently offended and embarrassed. Taehyung strolled of towards his apartment, waving a good bye to Jungkook before shouting "See you tomorrow!" in a singsong voice, leaving a baffled and gaping alpha behind.

Still completely naked.


"Shit, shit, shit..." Hoseok cursed as he grabbed a hold of Jimin and dragged him deeper into the alley. The halfling was shocked, but too scared to say anything as he stumbled with his feet trying to keep up with the angry man in front of him.

"You're hurting me," Jimin let out in a whisper and Hoseok realised how hard he had grabbed the younger. He quickly let go, mumbling a "sorry" but still signalling Jimin to follow him, which he reluctantly did.

"I think they went in here," The duo heard someone shouting causing them to halt their movements and look behind them. Men were approaching in a rather rapid pace and Jimin squeaked when the men started shouting.

"They're here! Grab them!" one man shouted and both the creatures eyes widened when the man pulled out a gun.

"What's happening?!" Jimin screamed, walking backwards as his eyes were fixated on the men coming closer. "Come on," Hoseok nudged Jimin to follow and they quickly turned around starting to run again.
"Remember when I told you that bad people might take advantage of your abilities?" Hoseok shouted while running, "Yes?" "That's them," the hybrid snarled, taking a sharp left turn that caused both of them to stop,

Dead end.

"Fuck!" Hoseok growled. "What do we do now?" Jimin was frantic, panicking and Hoseok had to literally grab a hold and shake the halfling to make him calm down. "Jimin, I need you to hide. I trust you ok? And I'll tell you anything you want to know when this is finished, but now I need you to trust me," Hoseok eyes flashed crimson red and Jimin shrieked before nodding and ducking down behind some dumpsters.

"Whatever happens Jimin, don't come out until my voice tells you too!" Hoseok hissed.

He slowly pushed another dumpster in front of Jimin making sure he was well hidden before he turned towards the men in front of him.

A wicked grin sliced across his face before he spoke the word everyone fears.


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