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"I grew up in a rough run down neighborhood out here where I watched almost everyone die. all I had was my father and my uncle took him away from me leaving him dead in my apartment nobody took me in and I was on my own" I explained as Y/N looked at me.

"And so now you want to get back at your cousin?" She asked as I nodded "but don't you got at least some type of drive besides killing your cousin like a girlfriend or child?" She asked as I shook my head.

"No my drive is to get the hell out of here and become king" I stated as she just looked at me. "If I agree tell me we ain't going to be on no Bonnie and Clyde shit" she said as I chuckled and stood up

"I ain't with the love shit, I want to
Become king and Have occasional sex that's it" I said as she looked at me.

"Wow" she said getting up "sorry princess did I offend you?" I asked sarcastically smirking as she glared at me.

"No because I don't give a fuck about what you do, I just want a spot In that palace when we're done." She explained as I walked up to her.

"I was talking about with you" I said looking down at her as she bit her lip some then sucked her teeth. "Okay goodnight" she said trying to walk away but of course I wasn't going To let her walk away from me. She is fine as hell dark chocolate smooth skin just how I liked them and on the thick end.

I grabbed her arm as she looked up at me.
I pulled her close then my hands trailed down to her ass. "What you doing?" She asked trying to unwrap my arms from around her.

"About to show you I ain't no little ass kid" I whispered in her ear before kissing her neck. A little moan escaped from her lips as I continued by lifting her dress up and finding my way to her clit.

"E-Erik no....... fuck!" She squealed as I continued to rub her and suck on her neck
With her leaning against the Island in the kitchen.

"Are you going to let me fuck you?" I asked rubbing her faster as she bit down on her lip trying not to say anything.

"I'm not going to ask again" i stated as she gripped my hand moaning with her head leaning back.

I rubbed faster "I-I'm about to cum Erik"
She Moaned out as I continued "you didn't answer my question I said getting on My knees In front Of her as she watched. I moved her panties out the way and started licking her clit causing her legs to shake.

"Erik mooveeee" she whined trying to move my head but i didn't budge. I slipped a finger in as she moaned out gripping the island.

Her juices started coming down as I licked her clean and I stood up looking down at her as she looked pass me then looked up at me.

"Good night" she simply said as I smirked and she walked me to the door. "I'll be back tomorrow you need some training if you're going to be my partner in crime"
I said

"Shit you need a hair cut" she dissed as I chuckled "funny you were just grabbing at my hair" I said cheesing and showing my grills.

"You know what, can you leave now" She said opening the door as I chuckled. "Aight I'm gonna be here early so you better be ready" I stated.

"And if I'm not?" She challenged "I'll wake you up myself" I said as she just looked at me. "Yeah okay bye" she said pushing me out and closing the door in my face as I chuckled.

Then she opened the door "do you need a ride?" She asked " I thought you don't care about what I do as long as you're in the palace?" I questioned as she rolled her eyes.

"Look do you need the ride or not?" She asked " I don't need anything from anybody" I said placing my hands in my pocket smirking at her and walking off her porch.

"Whatever" I heard her say and closed the door.


(The Next Day)

I was sleep and soon woke up as I heard a knock at the door, I peeked out my window seeing Tori. I went downstairs in just a shirt a pair of black lace cheeky panties.

I went and ran downstairs to open the door and seen tori. "Bitch what happened last night?" She asked walking in "some nigga I can't shake off He's everywhere" I said.

"You met a man that wants you and you trying to shake him off?" Tori questioned as I nodded.

"Yes I don't want him and he just wants sex he don't love he's heartless besides I like girls you know that" I said walking pass her smirking as she laughed.

"Why you lying, you just don't want to be with no nigga after what happened with Terrance" she said as I rolled my eyes.

"I don't care I'm over that" I stated " I know I'm reckless but you worse than me ever since he-" I cut tori off and sighed.

"Can we not talk about it please?" I asked "Y/N you need to talk about to someone because I fear for you, I don't want you to get hurt " tori said

"Tori when we move it will get better but until then let me do what I got to do so we can leave and never have to look back" I said as she smacked her lip and we looked at each other then laughed.

Then the doorbell rung and we looked at each other "peek and see who it is" I whispered "is that him?" Tori asked mad loud on purpose smirking and going to the door. Then She opened the door wide as fuck as Erik stood there.

"Tori!" I squealed grabbing my pillow off the couch covering my lower half jumping on the couch.

"I'm not dressed" I stated as Erik walked in "you made it seem like he was ugly" tori said as Erik smirked at me causing me to roll my eyes.

"You ready for training babygirl?" He questioned "oh bitch he's your trainer?" Tori asked as me and Erik looked at her.

"Something like that, what's your name ma?" Erik asked nodding his head to Tori.
"Her name's Tori, what you going to do eat her out too?" I asked as he chuckled " you're obviously enjoying the moments from last night" he started off as tori smirked at me but gave me also a shocked look.

"I just wanted to introduce myself to your friend and wanted to have a moment with you" Erik explained

"No I'll see you later nice meeting you" tori said walking out the door as I smacked my lips. "Ugh really?" I asked pissed

"Yeah you need to get that ass up because it's time for training" Erik said as I smacked my lips and started walking away as I felt a sting on my butt.

"Why the fuck would you do that?!" I yelped "because I'm not dealing with all the fucking attitude" Erik said.

"Nigga I ain't one of your little girl toys I will fuck you up, up close and personal" I said with my finger in his face.

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