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I was showing Miss. Tiffany her room while Erik was getting sterling ready for bed. "This is so beautiful" she said as I smiled. "What's going on with you and my son?" She asked as I just smiled "he's my boyfriend" I finally said as she smiled.

"I hope he knows that I love him and there was nothing I could do" she said sitting on the bed "I'm sure he understands he just needs to take it all in" I explained handing her , her towel and washcloth.

"Lotion and everything is in your bathroom along with some pajamas" I stated as she thanked me. "Good night Miss.Tiffany." I said as she said good night back.

I closed her room doors behind me then looked in sterlings room seeing him knocked out then I got a text from Erik saying meet him in the car.

I walked out the palace seen hella cars then sighed and threw my hands up. I then heard a horn beep so walked towards that car and got in.

"All you had to do was call me instead of getting frustrated with your mean ass" he stated as I laughed. "Whatever, What you want?" I asked.

"Nothing" he stated before starting to drive we were talking about a whole bunch of things and he soon parked the car in the middle of no where everything was quiet and the stars were everywhere.

"You look just like your mother you can't even deny that" I said looking at him as he nodded then looked at me "yeah I know, I don't know whether to let her in or just be me" he stated shrugging.

"Let her in she gave you an explanation why she was not in your life. Learn to forgive and forget she's here trying to be in your life just take it day by day take it from me enjoy your mother while shes still here" I explained looking forward.

"Because she can be taken from you in a blink of an eye" I said before looking down I felt him grab my hand as I looked at him.

"You ready to talk?" He asked as I nodded "what's up?" I asked "where do we stand as far as us and sterling?" He asked.
"Well we're keeping sterling no doubt about that but you and I where do you want us to stand?" I asked as he smiled

"only because I told your mother something and I'll hate to tell her something otherwise" I explained smiling at him. "Well what did you tell her?" He asked. "Don't worry about that just tell me what you want because I know what I want" I said as he chuckled.

"Well I want you to be my wife and we have some cute ass babies but you ain't ready for all that right now" he explained as I giggled and shook my head.

"All you have to do is give me the word" I stated as he had a big smile on his face like a kid on Christmas. "I want you to be my girlfriend and I've been waiting on that for forever" he stated as I smiled and kissed his lips.

" you got to stay out of trouble to keep me too, you know I got your back if anything but stay out of trouble" I said as he nodded.

"What did you tell my mother?" He asked "that you were my boyfriend" I stated smiling as he shook his head smiling.

I poked his dimples as he took us to get some ice cream we were chilling eating ice cream in the car talking.

"Boy I'm the luckiest nigga out here in these streets" he stated as I laughed "boy take us back you know we got to get up tomorrow" I stated.

We finally got back to the palace and we just sat in the car "I'm glad you decided to let your mother come" I said "well you kind of bribed me" he said in a chuckle as I giggled then looked at him.

"No seriously I'm glad you did that for yourself" I said as he nodded he looked like he was about to start tearing up.

"What's wrong?" I asked touching his face some "yeah I'm connected with my mother but what about you what about your happiness?" He asked as I faintly smiled "I don't have the option or opportunity like you do, I'm fine I've got through her not being here" I said.

"But you don't have anyone" he stated as I shook my head " no I got lil sterling and I got you" I said looking at him as he looked back at me.

"Have a relationship with your mother I'll be just fine" I said before kissing his lips.
He kissed back slowly I then pulled away. "You starting to go soft on me" I joked before getting out the car.

"I'm not getting soft on you" he stated as I turned and looked At him "yeah you are you used to be so mean to me" I said smiling as he chuckled "whatever, you were mean to me" he said as I opened the door to the palace.

"I was mean because you came at me sideways" I stated as he chuckled walking in the door "and after we were some what cool?" He asked with his hands in his pockets.

"You rubbed me the wrong way" I stated then smiled as he walked up to me "all these excuses just face the fact that you liked me" he said as I shook my head and he held my face.

"You liked me and you don't want to admit it" he said as I shook my head but his hands were on my face still. He stared deep into my eyes.

"It's okay princess just tell me you liked me just admit it" he said as I giggled and pushed him away.

"Leave me alone and you are going to get enough of calling me princess" I stated going up the stairs checking on sterling.

He was sound asleep as I kissed his head before I felt Erik's hands on my waist. "Night lil man" he said kissing his head.

We walked out "night" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed me. "Hey, where you going?" He asked as I looked confused. "I'm trying to go to bed " I stated "the bed is in my room" he said as I took his hand from off my wrist.

"Oh you don't know what you just got yourself into" I stated as he chuckled "let's go to bed Y/N" he said as I shook my head.

"No I'm your girlfriend I may sleep in your bed with you every now and then but I'm not doing it every night, and you have the choice to take it or leave it" I said as he smiled at me.

"Goodnight Princess" he stated and smiled "goodnight Erik" I said "so am I abled to kiss you too or?" He asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips.

"Yes you can always kiss me" I said as he smiled and continued to kiss my lips.

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