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It was the day before I was putting my plan into affect in Wakanda so I got ready and then Y/N and I went to lunch.

We were seated and our waiter came. He was eyeing Y/N and soon started flirting with each other I just stared at her every time they were talking to each other.

He walked away as she was blushing. She finally seen me staring

 "What?" She asked rolling her eyes

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"What?" She asked rolling her eyes. "Why you flirting with another nigga in my face?" I asked

"Erik you are not my boyfriend or my husband so I can flirt with as many people as I want." She said as I smirked "okay" I simply said.

"And don't touch me either because when you make that face I know exactly what you're about to do" she stated rolling her eyes.

"Nah I was thinking about leaving your ass right out here when I leave" I simply said "I might even take xoliswa with me" I added on smirking.

"You know what, fuck You and your little ass girlfriend I don't need your help anyway" she said standing up and getting her things.

She walked out and I didn't give a fuck she knew I was feeling her and yet she's talking to other men. I told her almost everything about me that nobody knew and she wants to still act as if she doesn't know I want her.

I finished my food and got up from my seat going back to my house. I walked in seeing Y/N pack up her clothes "where you going?" I asked "I'm leaving Erik" she simply said not looking at me and continuing to pack.

I softly grabbed her arm "hey, hey,hey" I said as she looked at me. "What?" She asked "what do I have to do to get you to stay?" I asked "Erik I don't want to stay, you make it seem like I actually got to listen to you when really I don't I'm not your girlfriend I am your partner I'm here to get what I want" she explained as she kind of hurt my feelings but it quickly turned to anger.

"If you don't want to stay get the fuck out, I told your ass everything and your ass just want to walk out, so go" I said as she laughed then shrugged.

"Bye my nigga" she said walking downstairs. "When I become king that ass is mine to harass" I said as she shrugged "that's if your ass can even find me, but have fun with that shit and your goofy ass girlfriend" Y/N said in a laugh walking out the door.

I thought I was heartless she ain't even give two fucks about my feelings. I called xoliswa.

"Hello?" She said "ready to meet up with klaue so we can get the hell out of here?" I questioned "baby what's wrong?" Xoliswa
"Nothing" I spitefully said.

"I'll see you there" she said as I hung up. Y/N ass got me real fucked up if she thinks she can just walk out that easy.


I was venting to tori about Erik stupid ass.
"He's so fucking heartless and inconsiderate, if he don't get his way then nobody can, he has a girlfriend but kissing up on me" I said just going off.

"Well did you get some dick that's the
Most important part" tori said as I glared at her "no, fuck that nigga, mad at me because I'm flirting with other people"
I said then let out a loud frustrated

"Sounds like you like him" tori said as I looked at her "no he gave me pleasure in different ways besides his dick and I enjoyed it so I stayed but I ain't giving no nigga a chance, especially him I don't want a relationship" I explained.

"Y/N you have to let that go, not all men are bad" tori explained "but I don't want a goody two shoes." I stated

"No baby girl you can have a criminal but he can treat you like a queen like you're the only woman in the world." Tori explained as I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever I'm going to take a shower" I said going upstairs. I ran the water to the shower seeing calls and text messages from Erik.

I deleted his number and sucked my teeth "fuck that nigga" I said before getting in the shower. Tonight tori and I were getting tattoos this was going to be my very first one and I was excited.

I soon got out the shower getting dressed

I placed on some sandals and went downstairs

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I placed on some sandals and went downstairs. We headed to the tattoo place and I was picking out my tattoo. Then I got a water bottle from someone who was selling it then noticed the person who gave it to me looked familiar but I shrugged it off.

I sat in the chair as tori was just grinning "you ready sis?" She asked "yeah" I said "what you getting and where you getting it at?" Tori asked as the man was prepping.

" a butterfly on my ass" I said smiling as tori laughed "Y/N Why?" She asked "because it's where only I can see it and if I get fucked it's going to fly" I said as she laughed.

"Only your ass" tori said laughing and shaking her head "I'm just playing but it's in a place I can see it and it's going to be cute I guarantee it"

I explained as the man started doing my tattoo and I was holding onto Tori's hand.
"I got to tell you something" tori started off as I looked at her "what?" I asked as she looked at me and smiled .

"So I have been keeping this a secret for five months and I've been trying to hide it but can't anymore and I can't get a tattoo with you right now at the moment." She explained as shit started clicking.

"You pregnant?" I asked as she smiled and I smiled "I'd get up and jump on you but I'm getting a tattoo on my ass" I said as she laughed.

"Oh my gosh! is it a girl or a boy?"'I asked
"It's a girl but in order for you to be the god mother she has to have a god father" tori said smiling.

"Girl bye you know that's my child already, I may not have birthed her but that my baby" I said as tori laughed.

My tattoo was almost done and I finally opened my water and started drinking it, I drink the whole bottle and my tattoo was finished.

My tattoo was almost done and I finally opened my water and started drinking it, I drink the whole bottle and my tattoo was finished

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"That's cute" tori squealed and took a picture showing it to me but I wasn't feeling too good.

"Yeah tori can we go I'm not feeling too hot" I said as I got up pulling my pants back up then I started sweating.

"You alright?" Tori asked as I nodded "yeah it's not hot in here to you?" I asked fanning myself before I fell onto the floor everything was blurry.

"Call the paramedics!" Was all I heard tori scream.

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