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I was finally finished getting ready for this party and I was looking for Y/N

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I was finally finished getting ready for this party and I was looking for Y/N. The man that cane earlier seemed a little off he was saying Y/N was a long time friend and he wanted to see her and come to the party so I let him but I wanted to talk to Brianna before anything.

I went upstairs to her room knocking softly but she didn't answer. I heard music playing so I walked in still not seeing her I walked into her standing in front of the mirror holding onto the bathroom sink looking down as she was crying.

I paused her music as she finally looked up in the mirror wiping her eyes.
"Nah I already seen it what's wrong?!" I asked concerned as she turned around. "I got to leave" she simply said "why? Tell me what's going on" I said looking down at her as she shook her head.

"I can't tell you" she said with tears falling from her eyes. "So what we going to do I have to get married" I reminded "I'd rather you not be king then you and everyone else getting hurt.

"Y/N what are you talking about?" I asked then looked at her chest moving her dress to the side seeing fresh marks on her skin.

"Where did these come from?" I asked looking at her "I scratched myself" she simply said "stop the bull shit, who the hell did this to you?!" I asked.

"Erik I scratched myself" she said "nah what the fuck is up?!" I asked "you were just talking about staying for a better life now you just getting up and going?" I asked as she looked away.

"where are you even going to go?!" I asked "back to Oakland" she simply said as I shook my head "no" I simply said "what do you mean no?!" She asked.

"Exactly what the fuck it means, you just up and leaving not giving an explanation why-" she cut me off "Erik you ain't my husband you ain't even my boyfriend so I don't have to give an explanation if I don't want to" she said.

"Whatever I hope you have a nice life" I said as she just looked Down crying. I walked out the room then went to ind Tori. If anything she knows what's up.

I knocked on her door as she opened it dressed. "I need to talk to you" she said bringing me in the room as steelo was sitting on the bed.

"The man you let in was Y/N's ex" tori stated as I was confused "I thought she killed him. "Obviously not, he came back to take her back to Oakland he basically threatened our lives if she did not go with him" tori explained as it all made sense.

I grew angry "Where's that nigga at ill kill him myself" I said getting up. "Make sure you do it and he does because he's going to come after her again and the baby" tori said as I looked at her.

"Baby?!" I asked "Y/N's pregnant" tori said "why didn't she say anything?!" I asked "she's scared, he threatened to tell everyone Y/N killed her dad he's black mailing her and there's nothing she can do besides go" tori said.

"Why didn't she just tell me?!" I asked pissed "she's looking out for you" steelo started off "as much as you say she hates you Y/N has Some type of feelings for you" steelo said as I left out the room trying to go into Y/N's room but the door was locked.

Music was blasting and I heard her screaming but it was muffled due to her screaming. I picked the lock and soon it opened and I walked in seeing Y/N trying to fight off her ex as he was on top of her with a wired hanger.

I grabbed one of the centerpieces that was in the room and hit him on the back of his head as he fell onto the floor and I grabbed the collar of his shirt and started punching the shit out of him.

Steelo came in trying to get me off but I seen red and didn't stop I started choking him I'm pretty sure he was dead already but I wanted to make sure. Steelo grabbed me.

"Weak ass nigga"  I said kicking his lifeless body as steelo grabbed me pulling me back "Aight chill" he said as I finally looked at Y/N crying and hugging tori.

"Babygirl" I said walking towards her hugging her as she hugged back holding onto me tightly. Steelo and tori left out the room as Y/N was just crying into my chest.

I wiped her tears "did he hurt you?" I Asked as she nodded "my stomach" she said holding on to her stomach as I got her a warm washcloth lifting her dress up and placing it on her stomach as she laid back in the bed.

"Thank you" Y/N said "when I hide this body we'll talk until then get some rest and I'll cancel the party" I stated before taking my suit jacket off along with my bow tie and shirt.

"Where are you going to put him?" I asked "don't worry about all that just get some rest." I said before kissing her head.

I got a couple of sheets wrapping him up in them setting him to the side as I cleaned up his blood. Then I snuck pass everyone downstairs going to throw his body off into the waterfall.

I went back into the palace "aunt Romonda" I said as she looked at me "what happened ? , where's your clothes?!" She asked "Y/N doesn't feel good so I can't attend the party" I said as she smiled "go take care of your fiancé" she said as I ran upstairs back to Y/N seeing her just laying there not sleep just there.

"Go Change into something we don't have to go downstairs with everyone" I said finding her some pajamas and giving it to her.

"Thank you" she softly said as I nodded she went into the bathroom changing as I sat on the bed looking at my bruised knuckles. "Shit" I cursed.

Y/N came out the bathroom and came beside me. "Let me see" she said "I'm good" I stated "no let me see" she said as I showed her my hand and she was examining it.

She walked away back into the bathroom complaining no back with a first aid kit.
She wiped my cuts down with alcohol as I winced then wrapped it up with a bandage.

I moved her shirt to the side seeing scratches "now tell me why you have those" I said "because Terrence stupid ass scratched me" she said shrugging it off.

"Don't shrug it off what else did he do to you?" I asked "he kept touching me , hitting on me and kissing on me" she said as I clenched my teeth.

"What was he doing with the wired hanger?" I asked as she looked away and tears fell from her eyes.

"Trying to kill the baby" she simply said "why?" I asked "because he doesn't want any other man getting me pregnant but him" she said.

"When were you going to tell me you were pregnant?" I asked as tears fell from her eyes I grabbed her hands and stood up.

"I'm not mad at you so stop crying" I started off by wiping her tears. "I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me" I stated looking at her.

"I didn't want to tell you because you just became king , I got pregnant by a guy I'm not even with and i didn't want to have i-" I cut her off "all because you are scared" I said as she looked at me.

"Yes and we're so young you seen how we were yesterday how the hell are we going to have a baby together if we're still babies ourselves?" She questioned.

"I know babygirl so what do we do?" I asked "if Shuri tells me I'm pregnant then I'll have it if I lost it then I'll have to take a stronger birth control and we can never ever slip up again" she said as I nodded.

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