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Erik was discharged from the hospital and he hasn't spoke to me since we got into our argument before the fight which was four days ago.

I tried helping him but he doesn't want any help. He locked himself in the guest room shutting me out almost as if this was my fault.

I was sitting in the quiet living room on my phone minding my business as I heard his big feet slowly coming down the marble stairs.

I looked at him watching something on his iPad limping. "You hungry baby?" I asked him as he still ignored me and I smacked my lips.

"What's the problem you've been ignoring me since you've been in the hospital what's the issue?!" I asked getting up as he looked at me.

"Because I lost that fight because of you, if we ain't get into that argument I could've won but you wanted to start that shit up like you doing now" he spitefully said as I looked taken back.

"So you lashing out at me about? I ain't tell you to get up there nobody made you get up there but yourself don't try and say that was me" I stated.

"That shit was you Y/N! That whole argument was because of you and I lost the fight behind it now look at me!" He shouted as I looked at him.

"You are so angry for what? You chose to do all of this and you mad at everyone when everyone told you not to do this" I stated.

"I ain't mad at everyone else I'm mad at you" he stated as I slowly nodded. "Oh okay" I stated pulling out a pan and throwing it on the counter in the kitchen as he watched.

"figure out how you're going to eat then" I stated leaving him speechless and going upstairs. I know he's trying to cope with this loss but he ain't going to be disrespectful I swear he got the right one.

I just hope he doesn't turn back into his old self due to this shit. Erik Was emotional, could barely walk and he's supposed to be on crutches but he ain't on them.

he's trying to be this mucho man but the thing about all of this is you have nothing to prove and he needs to tone down and humble himself because your whole life can change in a blink of an eye.

I went upstairs putting on some Ugg's and went downstairs grabbing my coat. "Where you going Y/N?" He asked as I ignored him getting in the car driving to the studio.

I parked in the parking lot and started crying. My phone started ringing as I seen Tori's name pop up.

"Hello?" I asked sniffling "you good?" She asked "no can you meet me at the studio?" I asked "yeah I'm on my way" it was like fifteen minutes later she pulled up and sat in the car with me.

"What's wrong?" She asked "Erik, he blamed me on losing his match against Ricky" I explained. "But That has nothing to do with you" she said.

"I know but in a way it does we got into an argument right before he got into the ring and that's the last time we spoke until today" I said.

"Well I don't know he maybe going through a phase" she stated "I know but he's shutting everyone out including me" I stated as tori didn't know what to say. "Just continue doing what you're doing for him" she said as I nodded.

We got out the truck and went inside to what was supposed to be my studio session but I walked in seeing other producers and fucking Cardi B.

Everyone looked at me "oh I'm sorry" I stated trying to go back out the room "no it's cool we're about to leave out" she stated turning down her music she was working on.

"You're Y/N right?" She asked as I smiled and nodded "yeah" I stated "I love your songs I wanted to get in contact with you but I ain't know where to start" she stated as I giggled "instagram" I said as she laughed "yeah but you might've ignored me you got a lot going on in your life, but I wanted you to be on a song with me for my album" she said as I smiled instantly.

"Here" she said giving me her phone and I placed my number in. "I'll send you the song and you tell me how you feel and we can jump on it like tomorrow" she said smiling as I nodded.

"Okay" I said as she smiled and rubbed my belly "girl or boy?" She asked "a girl" I said as she smiled "congrats but I have to go we can talk more tomorrow" she said as we said our goodbyes.

"Bitch cardi?" Tori asked as I smiled "cardi" I stared as she got excited "damn how you more excited than me?" I asked her as she giggled and my phone vibrated as I seen a text from cardi.

I seen the song link and I smiled she was so serious. I went into the booth seeing song lyrics on a sheet.

"Who's are these?" I asked "Pharrell changed some of your lyrics up he wanted to make sure you was okay with them and the beat" the producer stated as I read over them smiling.

I then heard some of the beat and started my magic. Tori was making me laugh because I can see her dumb ass dancing through the glass behind the producer.

I told the producer to pause as I burst out laughing "can you please stop? Like who made you this way?" I asked laughing as she was laughing then sat down next to the producer messing with him as I shook my head finishing the song

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I told the producer to pause as I burst out laughing "can you please stop? Like who made you this way?" I asked laughing as she was laughing then sat down next to the producer messing with him as I shook my head finishing the song.

After about two hours of cleaning up the song and getting everything right I came out the room and we all listened to it.

"You must really love him?" tori asked as I nodded "if this don't motivate his ass I don't know what will" I stated "this a good ass work out song too" she added as I laughed watching her jump around.

We sat in my car as it was 10 pm "I'm going to let you listen to the beat" I stated as she nodded and i turned it on as she was bumping to the song.

"This shit is going to be a hit!" She squealed as I laughed "hopefully but your ass better be ready to come with me I'm meeting Cardi tomorrow here" I said as she giggled.

"I will, but hop off my tip and while I'm at it me and Cardi can hook up" she said winking as I laughed "get out my Car" I said giggling.

"Night" she said kissing my cheek "night stinkah butt" I said as she flashed me a cheesy ass smile making me laugh.
She got in her car pulling off as I pulled off right after her getting Erik and I some food because I know his ass ain't eat.

I finally made it home and walked in seeing him sitting on the couch. "I'm glad you finally decided to show up where the fuck were you at all day!" He asked as I sighed

"I was at the studio with Tori" I said "until 10 Y/N?" He asked as I looked at him "I brought you some food" I stated putting the food on the island.

"So we just going to act like you ain't walk in here at 10 something at night?" He asked as I sighed "Erik I told you where I was what do you want?" I asked "you were there all day?" He asked as I nodded "yes Erik I was there all day" I stated.

"Okay" he stated as I ignored him giving him his food then I went and ate as I listened to the beat cardi sent making some lyrics as Jamaria started moving around and I smiled.

I went back in the kitchen seeing Erik sitting on the couch eating staring at the wall. I decided to sit next to him as I he looked at me from the corner of his eyes. I balled up my hands some then smiled "you took your medicine?" I asked "yeah" he simply said "you need anything?" I asked as he sighed "no Y/N I'm straight, I got it" he said spitefully as I rolled my eyes then got up.

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