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I was snuggled up against Erik's chest and I can honestly say after so many years I felt safe. "Time to wake up princess" he said as I whined with my eyes still closed stretching as he tried to get up but I was trying to bring his body closer.

"Noooo don't move" I whined as he chuckled "we have a flight at seven and it's already 5:30 babygirl we got to go" he said as I whined. "No" I said digging my face into his bare chest.

"You must want to stay in Oakland?" He asked " I mean if you're with me I don't see the problem" I said as he looked at me confused. "We only got two hours of sleep Erik" I complained "Wait Nah What you just say?" He asked

"I'm sleepy" I whined  "when we get back home you can go back to sleep" Erik said getting up as I fell face first onto the bed.

"Come on" he said hitting my butt as I groaned slowly getting out the bed. I got washed and got dressed placing on a jacket and some shorts. I placed on my fur slides and laid back in the bed till Erik was done.

I had sunglasses on along with the hood my hoodie on. "Ready to go?" Erik asked as I shook my head. "Come on" he said hitting my butt again as I got up getting my things and we checked out of our hotel going on a plane back to Wakanda.

Once we made it back I went straight to my room dropped my things and got in the bed.

"Y/N" I heard tori "what the hell was that on Snapchat yesterday?! Y'all together?!" Tori asked as I lifted my head up from out the pillow.

"No we are not together as you can see in the video it was unexpected by the look on my face. We only fucked once we will never, ever, ever do it again." I assured her "never ever?" She questioned as I nodded "never ever" I said as she gave me a smirk.

Erik came in the room and tori looked between us smirking then walked out. "Erik what?" I asked "just trying to see if you were good" he said as I smiled and nodded "yeah I'm just tired" I said.

"Aight I'm just checking on you" he said about to walk away but I called his name.
"Erik" I called out as he turned.

"Can you stay here only til I go to sleep?" I asked as he chuckled and laid next to me. "You're lucky, because my aunt wants me to start getting ready for this party tonight." He explained as I smiled and snuggled up against him.

He smelled so nice I loved laying with him and this might be big ass issue. My head was on his chest as it heaved up and down slowly.

I wrapped my arms around him snuggling my face into his chest and soon fell asleep.
There was a loud knock on the door.

"Come in" I heard Erik say but I wasn't worried he got it. "You have visitor my king and Queen" Okoye said as I groaned I ain't even his girlfriend they really needed to stop calling me that.

"I'm about to go see who it is" Erik said sitting up "no stay right here" I whined as he chuckled.  "what's going on with your ass?" He asked as I whined "I'm sleepy" I said "then go to sleep I'll be right back" he said getting up as I groaned.

Erik chuckled as he went out the room. I smacked my lips and got up. There was another knock on the door as I just decided to get up. I opened it seeing Romonda with a big smile on her face I smiled instantly.

"Hi Miss. Romonda" I said as she giggled "call me auntie or aunt Romonda , I'm here because you have to get ready for the party tonight for Erik" she explained as I just smiled.

"Okay" I said "where's your ring sweetheart?" She asked as I looked at my hand "shit" i mumbled and just smiled.

"It's on the dresser" I said as she grabbed my hand and we started walking downstairs I got several dress options for you" she said as I nodded.

"Y/N?!" I heard a familiar voice call as I turned seeing Terrence?! I acted like I didn't see him and continued talking to Romonda.

"First you are going to have your appointment with Shuri and then we will get you ready" Romonda said as I was walking away into shuri's lab.

I was thinking and so many things were flooding into my mind. "Hi Y/N" Shuri said guiding me to the operation table as I gave a weak smile.

I sat on the table "so my mother as telling me you were throwing up?" Shuri asked "yes and I missed my period" I said "you are on birth control right?" She asked as I nodded.

"Lay back" she said as I did and she started giving me an ultrasound and we heard a heart beating noise. "That's my heart beat right?!" I asked about to start panicking as she giggled "no it's your baby's" she said as I started crying.

"What is wrong?" She asked "I was drinking last night" I said as she handed me something "make sure you take this pill so it can clean your system out and clean your baby's system out you will be perfectly fine and so will the baby" she explained.

"Thank you, can you not tell anyone?" I asked as she smiled and nodded "okay" she said.

I got off the operating table and walked out her lab as I started crying again. "What's wrong?" Tori asked "Terrence is here and I'm pregnant" I said as there were a mix of emotions on her face.

"Why is he here?" She asked as I shrugged " I don't know he should be dead" I said crying "Wait how are you pregnant if-" I cut her off.

"The birth control didn't work and me and Erik has sex a couple of days ago" I said as I looked down.

"I don't want it T, but I don't want to have an abortion either, please don't tell anyone keep this between us" I begged as she smiled.

"You already know I'm keeping it between us, but you do need to let Erik know" she said "I know but he just became king I don't want to put that on him and we're you doing I don't want to put a baby on him either" I said.

"Well you didn't fuck yourself" she said as I shook my head "maybe but we need to get Terrence out of here and he can't know about my pregnancy" tori said as she looked behind me and I turned seeing Terrence smirking at me.

He came and hugged me then rubbed my belly. I pushed him off "that's how you do an old friend?" He asked "where's Erik?" I asked him. "He's getting ready babygirl, now its time for us to go back home" he said grabbing my hand as I tried snatching it away but he gripped down onto my wrist.

"Yo let her go Terrence!" Tori said hitting him as he chuckled. "Don't make me tell them you are a murderer and also tried to kill me because if I do you and your little ass fiancé won't be king and queen of shit" he threatened as tears fell from my eyes.

"And that little baby of yours will be gone again, you understand me?" He asked as I ain't answer and he grabbed my jaw tightly "do you understand me?!" He asked again through his teeth as I cried "yes" I said

"The hell you looking at?" He asked tori "nigga your weak ass you know damn well she wants nothing to do with and yet you still harass her" tori said as he started walking up to her but I grabbed his hand.

"It's okay Tori" I simply said "it's not okay" tori said as I gave her a look "I'm going to tell if you don't do something, he can kill you and you're saying it's okay" tori said as tears left from my eyes.

"Be a snitch and it'll get you all killed" Terrence said "I will do whatever you want just please don't hurt them" I pleaded as tori looked at me.

"Y/N don't go back to this nigga" tori said as I sighed. "She ain't got no choice" Terrence said "she'll know what will happen if she refuses." Terrence said as I placed on a fake smile.

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