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A month later


Erik and I dead ass don't talk he's not at the house He's at therapy when I'm at the studio. He's getting better as far as recovering but he's still not talking to me he's growing his beard out along with his hair and I don't know what going on with him.

Right now I was at Tiffany's house venting to her and jasmine it was so bad to where I was in tears but then it could be my hormones kicking in.

"We don't talk at all and when we do it's arguing" I stated "baby you just got to be there for him, what y'all think marriage is like?" She asked.

"You keep being in his corner even when he feels all is gone, you be his peace and be there for him" she explained as I nodded "but it's not like him to shut me out of anything he tells me everything he's not talking to steelo either" I said as tears fell from my eyes.

"You continue to be strong for him you're doing everything you need to do" she said as I nodded "That song with cardi is bomb though" jasmine interrupted as I laughed.

"The song dropped?!" I asked as She nodded "yes it's number 1 on Apple Music and they keep playing the shit on the radio" she said as I smiled.

I started getting a phone call from Tori "sis it dropped!" She squealed through the phone as I laughed " I know" I said smiling.

Jasmine started playing the song out loud as Tiffany smiled "that's my sister!!" jasmine yelled as I laughed I placed tori on speaker as she laughed they both started singing.

"RING , RING, RING, RING" they both sung making me and Tiffany laugh. "Let me go home and make dinner" I stated saying my goodbyes and going home.
Once I made it to the house I started making dinner.

I heard the front door open and close, Erik soon appeared in the kitchen

 "what the fuck is this?" He asked "um a song with cardi" I simply said "yes but the fuck you talking about this is a whole song with you two dissing a nigga"  he stated as I rolled my eyes

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"what the fuck is this?" He asked "um a song with cardi" I simply said "yes but the fuck you talking about this is a whole song with you two dissing a nigga"  he stated as I rolled my eyes.

"Yo are you fucking serious?" I asked turning off the stove "yes you got media out here talking about us breaking up and shit off of this song and me possibly mistreating you" he stated.

"Like, let another nigga in your spot and you going to be hot?" He asked as I looked at him "you going to say something?" He asked.

"No because my verse was from the fucking heart you don't fucking talk to me because you mad and want to be on your own, so yes I made the fucking song I'm hurt Erik and your ass can't see that so listen to that song again before you come running your mouth about the shit" I stated before going upstairs.

I walked into the nursery putting some more of Jamaria's clothes away along with decorating some as I felt a pair of arms around my waist and I nudged him off some before walking away out the room.

"Y/N" he called after me as I ignored him then he shouted my name as I turned "what do you want? Erik I try, I try being for you no matter what, I care for you, I love you , I'm trying to love on you through out this whole recovery you think you're the only person hurting when I'm hurting also you think I wanted to see that happen to you or see you laid up in a hospital bed helpless?" I asked breaking down.

"Erik I get that you are upset but don't bite the hand that feeds you, I'm trying to be in your corner but you're making all of this seem like it's my fault," I started off.

"I'm going back and forth to the studio going to doctors appointments, cooking, running to the pharmacy for you trying to make sure Jamaria is straight before she's born , make sure you straight, make sure I'm straight, worried and stressing about you and trying to fix what I'm doing wrong to where you're not lashing out at me and I can't Erik" I stated as tears came from my eyes and he looked at me.

He walked towards me then wrapped his arms around my body as I cried into his chest. "I'm trying baby" I said crying as he rubbed my back. I looked up seeing tears fall from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Y/N for lashing out at you none of this is your fault babygirl, I'm just going through something. This whole situation was my fault I went up there not listening and unprepared all you did was look out for me. I'm sorry baby" he said kissing my head as I wiped my tears.

"Don't fix anything it's me and I'm sorry for all of this I love you babygirl, you're doing a lot and I appreciate it" he stated holding me in a hug.

"I just needed you to talk to me tell me how you felt I knew you were angry but I'm your girl" I said as he rubbed my back.

"I'm so sorry baby me losing the fight had nothing to do with you" he stated continuing to rub my back and kiss my head.

Jamaria was moving around as I smiled and pulled from Erik wiping my tears away as Erik faintly smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Go Rest I'll make your plate" he said as I nodded and followed him downstairs. I sat in the living room watching tv and casually looked over to see Erik making our plates.

I smirked and went into the kitchen getting a water bottle and when he wasn't
Looking I poured some on me and the rest on the floor then threw the water bottle into the fridge and started groaning in pain, clutching my stomach as Erik ran to my side.

"Baby you good? What's wrong?" He asked "my water broke" I screamed as he grabbed his phone "I'm going to call my mother" he stated as I kept groaning trying not to laugh. He picked me up walking me to the front door about to walk out as I burst out laughing.

"You play too fucking much" he said putting me on my two feet. "Jamaria you better thank your mother because y'all not eating" he said I laughed even more and I sat down feeling little contractions.

"She's moving" I stated as Erik stopped what he was doing and rubbed my belly feeling her move around.

"It's funny because you were kissing me and she started kicking around" I said as Erik chuckled "I see you trying to cock block already he stated as I giggled pushing him away from my stomach but all he did was come back and kiss my belly smiling at me.

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