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It's cold out here let me give you a ride" he said as I sighed then got in his car. He started driving as it was silent at first til "on the run part two" started playing and I was swaying and humming to Beyoncé's part.

"You Good?" He asked as I nodded "ain't nobody messing with you? You straight money wise and mentally?" He asked as I smiled "yeah I'm letting more people in and being more outgoing what about you? I heard you still up to no good" I said as he chuckled.

"King or not you know I'm always up to no good" he said as I giggled "pull up right here" I said as he parked the car and we sat there.

"Thank you" I said "mhm I see you learned some manners" he said as I rolled my eyes,

"I always had them just not towards you" I simply said opening the door to the car. "What you about to get into?" He asked.
"I got a date you can actually help me find something to wear" I stated.

We got out as he placed his hood on so no one could notice him. I don't understand how you got legal issues in the state of new York everybody does stupid shit out here but then again it's Erik.

We finally made it to my apartment and I unlocked the door going in Erik followed as I turned the light on. "This is nice" he said as I thanked him.

"I'm going to take a shower just stay out here and I'll let you know when to come in" I explained as he nodded.

I went into my room throwing out different dresses on the bed as the shower was running. Then I got in the shower for like fifteen minutes then got out going to brush my teeth.

I walked out the bathroom lotioning myself up then placed on my underwear. I tied my robe around my body and called Erik in the room.

"Here pick which one" I said "that one" he stated picking out the dress and I went into the bathroom starting on my hair.

"So what's he like to where you wearing nice dresses on a date?" Erik asked. "He's a gentleman he is nice and he help pay for some of these bills" I added at the end.

"I asked you if you needed anything let me know" he said as I rolled my eyes. "No I don't want your money I don't even want his The only reason why I'm taking it is because I need to save some more up for a car then I'll be straight" I explained.

"So he's a sugar daddy?" Erik asked "no I actually like him and I'm still working and busting my ass" I said curling my hair.

"Yeah but are you happy with him?" Erik asked as I paused in the mirror and looked at myself seeing a faint scratch on my hand. "Like I said he's nice" I stated.

"I just feel he's too nice and I can get real mean at times and I need him to be mean back I don't know" I said finishing my head and starting on my makeup.

"I don't know why you think I'm stupid
Y/N?" Erik said with a chuckle as I looked at him through the mirror. "What are you talking about?" I asked.

"What is he doing to you?" He asked "nothing he just scratched me once and it was by an accident" I stated "yeah okay" Erik said walking behind me pulling my robe down some as he seen some bruises on my back and Ruben he turned me around seeing some bruises on my chest area and of course my stomach.

"Explain because you got a good two hours to pack up and I got a good two hours to plan how the fuck I'm going to hurt this nigga." Erik said taking off my robe as he looked at some of the marks.

"When I first met him he said he couldn't be with a bitch that was pregnamt and so he beat me until I lost it" I explained not looking at Erik.

"He called you out your name too?" I asked as I nodded "go pack your things you aren't staying out here." Erik said as I sighed.

"And go back with you to live in a lie? No thank you" I said. "I can't trust you out here by yourself and I ain't going to let no nigga hit on you so you coming back with me" he said taking a big suitcase out my closet.

"You want to start packing or do you want me to start?" He asked as I sighed "Whatever" he said placing my things into the suitcase. He was so angry it was crazy, I've only seen him this angry when it was incidents that had to do with me being hit or mistreated.

I walked up to him touching his arm. "I'm going to put that nigga in the dirt" he said as tears started forming in his eyes and I touched his cheek. "Why are you crying... stop" I stated kissing his lips as he pulled away.

"Why do you stay just leave" he asked "okay I up and leave going to Wakanda where I have to fake everything" I stated "i promise I'll admit everything to them even drop being king I just need you safe." He stated as I looked at him.

"But they may arrest you" I said as he shook his head. "I don't care you just need to be safe" he said as I wiped his eyes.

I kissed his lips as he kissed back, I took my clothes out of his hands and continued kissing his lips wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I missed you" he said pulling away and grabbing my hand. "It ain't look like it on your instagram" I said as he chuckled

"Bad ass" I joked as he chuckled and kissed my lips. There was a knock at the door as Erik looked at me. "Finish packing I got it, you got some gloves?" He asked as I looked at him.

"What are you about to do?" I asked "don't worry about it just keep packing" he stated. "They under the sink in the kitchen" I said as he walked out the room.

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