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"Calm it down" he stated "no fuck you" I said pointing at him. "Calm your ass down" he said through his teeth.
"You ain't my daddy like I said fuck you and ain't shit you can do or say about it" I said getting on my tippy toes in his face.

I turned around facing the mirror fixing myself as he pulled my pants down. "Erik the-" I started off "shut the fuck up!" He growled.

He ripped my panties and stuck his full length in me as I practically screamed. He held onto the sink and started thrusting deep as I whined. "Shut the fuck up and take this dick" he growled in my ear before biting it.

"I- I can't no more" I moaned out as he went faster breaking my body down. I placed my hand on his lower ab as he kept thrusting.

"Oh fuck" I squealed with my back on his chest whining as he kept going hearing our skins clap together. "Erik please" I begged as he pulled out turning me around.

"Why were you dancing with him?" He asked "because you were boo'd up dancing all over that bitch" I stated pushing him away from me some trying to walk away but he grabbed me putting me on the sink counter sliding back into me.

"Fuck" I squealed leaning my head back moaning "now what we're you doing with him?" He asked grabbing my neck as I bit my lip. "Dancing" I moaned out as he pounded into me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed my lips.

I came as he kissed my lips passionately I wrapped my other arm around his neck.
" it was just a dance. that will never ever happen I never slept never even thought about dating her and that's on my father" he stated as I looked at him and fixed myself.

"But you let her dance on you like that, you didn't speak to me the whole entire time of us being here and you ain't even ask me to dance with you Demetrius did" I explained as I finished fixing myself up.

"Yes and Demetrius was all over you so I continued dancing with Layla, how you want relationship privileges and not say yes to me asking you out, if you mad just be mad" he stated shrugging his shoulders.

"Wow so you brought me back here so I can entertain the bullshit again?" I asked "no I brought you down here to keep you safe" he stated.

"Whatever Erik Marry that bitch so I can live my life please?" I asked as he tried to grab my hands but I snatched them away.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I looked at him. "Because you know, you know what's wrong with me and why I'm acting out and you playing dumb" I explained.

"No I don't know what's wrong, that's why I need you to tell me" he said "why you think I'm mad at that bitch dancing on you Erik?!" I asked frustrated as he gave off a chuckle and I heavily sighed beyond frustrated I wanted to slap the shit out of him.

"Can you hurry up I got to pee!" We heard on the other side of the door. "Move" I simply said walking pass him and walking out the bathroom.

I sat on one of the couches at the party watching everybody dance as I was drinking. Demetrius sat next to me real close and right now I wasn't in the mood.

"You good?" He asked as I nodded staring at Erik talking to steelo. I could punch him in the throat. Erik looked my way as I rolled my eyes and he started walking.

" you ready?" He asked even though I was mad I At least wanted to be mad and be in my room. "I can take you home if you want" Demetrius stated as Erik interrupted "Nah I got it enjoy your party" he stated. "Nah it's cool you enjoy the party and I'll take her home" Demetrius said standing up.

"Nah sit down it's all good" Erik stated as I stood up "I'm leaving" I simply said walking out the door starting to walk but I heard a whole bunch of commotion come from the house like somebody was fighting then gun shots went off and everyone was running out. I didn't see steelo, Tori or Erik run out so I ran back inside.

"Y/N!" Erik said holding my body away as he shot Demetrius causing him to fall to the ground, I seen steelo and tori laying on the ground in a pool of blood as I started crying.

"Tori!" I screamed as I tried getting passed Erik but paramedics came along with police and pulled Erik and I out.
I wasn't listening to anything I seen tori and steelo being pulled out on a stretcher and tears flowed from my eyes.

Erik drove us to the hospital and we waited for about an hour and seen a doctor come out.

"Family of Tori and Sterling?" He asked as we nodded. "We've tried the best we could with Tori but she died on the table, Sterling was dead on the scene" he explained as I cried "I'm sorry" he said as I shook my head.

"She's not dead he's not dead they can't be they were young" I stated crying more as Erik hugged me. "Let me take you home" he said as I cried into his chest and nodded.

Erik drove home as I went upstairs and closed my room door crying. I slid against the door onto the floor crying my eyes out.
That was my best friend and she was taken away from me so quick. They were going to get married planned on having another kid all that went out the window.

I got up wiping my tears as I got into the shower crying and thinking. Lil sterling what am I going to do with him both his parents died and I don't even know what to do with myself.

I came out the shower and heard sterling crying as I threw on a robe and ran into his room only to see Erik calming him down. I watched as he didn't notice and seen tears come from Erik eyes.

Sterling slowly closed his eyes as i took him from Erik and placed him in his crib. I turned and looked at Erik as he had his hands on his face crying.

I softly grabbed his hands and led him out sterlings room turning off the light and closing the door.

APESHIT| Erik Killmonger StoryWhere stories live. Discover now