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I went to Shuri and I did lose the baby I was upset but I had to stick to my motto anyway. I told Erik and he seemed a little upset. I was in my room finally putting all my things in the closet as there was a knock on the door.

I went to get the door, I opened it seeing Erik standing there "you want to go out tonight?" He asked as I walked away continuing to do what I was doing and he followed and closed the door behind him.

"So you ignore me for just about the entire day and now want to go out tonight?" I asked as he sighed.

"You told me you wasn't pregnant so I was upset" he stated as I looked at him "Erik I don't understand why you can't go find a girl and go fuck her have kids and get married." I said.

"Because I don't want a girl I want a woman, a woman who's worried about her and her money and that's it not a girl who runs after men because they got money, someone who tell you like it is , a person I can relate to and have fun because there's no judgement" he explained.

"Erik I like you , but I got to get rid of these feelings I do have before I get hurt" I admitted "why does someone always have to get hurt?" He asked.

"Because it's always that way" I said as he looked at me and kissed my lips. I kissed back as he pulled away slowly looking down at me.

"The fact that you still fuck with me after all the stupid and crazy shit I've done makes me like you even more Y/N" he said as I looked down.

"Who am I to judge when I stripped and killed my own father?" I questioned "but you had reasons behind it and stripping or not you kept your head in them books" he said as I shook my head.

"You have reasons behind what you do and I don't look at you different I respect you as if you were my momma because you deserve that type of respect stripper or not" he explained as I smiled faintly.

"Where do you want to go out tonight?" I asked "anywhere, you pick" he said smiling as I smiled. "McDonalds" I said as he scrunched his face "I said anywhere and you choose McDonald's?" He asked as I nodded smiling.

"I'm simple just feed me and I'm okay" I said smiling as I chuckled. "You said we were just going out so we can do McDonald's and get some drinks then come back and drink." I said shrugging as he chuckled.

"You're practically royal and you want McDonald's?" Erik asked

"look just I told you what I wanted and now you upset because we ain't going to a five star restaurant? I'm saving your money, let's just go eat at McDonald's." I stated as he chuckled throwing his hands up in surrender.

" what you doing anyway?" I asked as he jumped onto my bed "nothing just chilling I ain't got nothing else to do" he said
"so you choose to come in here and bother me?" I asked as he smiled "yup" he said.

"Nappy headed ass" I said as he laughed "my hair going tomorrow" he whined "hopefully you'll look half way decent" I dissed as he looked at me.

"Ohhhh so it's like that?" He asked as I nodded "yeah it's like that" I simply said turning around putting my clothes in the draws as I felt my body being lifted from off the ground as I laughed.

He then dropped me on the bed as i was laughing then soon I stopped and looked into his eyes. I leaned in to kiss his lips as he kissed back.

I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to my body. He stopped as I looked at him take off his shirt. He begun to kiss my lips again as I held onto his face. My hands roamed up his chest as he started placing kisses on my neck.

He felt up my shirt as I softly moaned to his touch. I watched as Erik unbuttoned my pants. There was a knock on the door.

Erik got up and got the door as I fixed myself. "Aight two of my old friends are here" he simply said before walking out and I took a deep breath.

I got up and fixed myself then went downstairs seeing him dap up a man and hug this girl but she was holding onto him for sometime then gave him a smirk.

I rolled my eyes going to find tori until I heard him call my name. I slowly turned and went downstairs

"This your girl?" The man asked as Erik looked at me up and down "nah she's just a friend" he said as I was kind of a bit hurt.

"I was about to say she a little bit to good to be with you" he said smirking and looking me up and down. "Yeah you right" I said bumping into Erik's shoulder.

"Aye shawty what's your name?" The guy asked grabbing my arm softly as I looked at him and he was definitely cute.

"It's Y/N where you from?" I asked curious turning some "New York" he said as I smirked "what borough?" I asked as he smirked "the lost borough you know what that is?" He asked with the same smirk "it's Staten Island" I simply said "I'm Demetrius ...

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"It's Y/N where you from?" I asked curious turning some "New York" he said as I smirked "what borough?" I asked as he smirked "the lost borough you know what that is?" He asked with the same smirk "it's Staten Island" I simply said "I'm Demetrius they call me D" he said as I smiled "Aight that's nice" I said about to walk off.

"Hey, Hey, let me get to know you" he said as grabbing my arm softly as I smiled "No you can't handle me love" I said "yo move D you ain't even get the chance for me to talk to her" the Girl said as she stepped in front of him and looked me up and down as I did it back.

"I'm Layla" she said as I looked at her "I'm Y/N" I simply said before trying to walk away "Erik you really talking to this bitch she ain't about it" I heard her say as I giggled.

"He ain't with me ole boy can't handle a woman, talk out the side of your face again and you'll be another body added onto my list.... Bitch" I simply said "damn!" Demetrius said as I looked at Erik " control your hoes" I said walking pass him going to find Tori but Demetrius called me.

"Y/N you trying to go out with us tonight?" He asked as I looked at Erik then away from him "I was trying to go to McDonald's" I said as I rolled my eyes "but I guess not" I simply said smiling.

"Im having a kickback at my place tonight if you want to go" he said as he looked at my hand "you're engaged?" He asked as I shook my head "Nah" I simply said taking off the ring "it was something someone gave to me" I said.

"An ex?" He asked smiling as I smiled back "Nah it was nobody" I said "Aight I hope for you to go out tonight with us." He said as I nodded " I'll think about it" I stated blushing.

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