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We finally came back from the movies and dinner and sterling was sleep in Erik's arms as we went up the stairs to his room.
"I got him, go get ready I know your sleepy" I said with a polite smile taking sterling out of Erik's arms.

I took him into the room and laid him on his changing table. I just looked at him and he looked like sterling but you just knew it was Tori's kid also. A couple of tears fell before I started changing him into his pajamas.

I placed a kiss on his head placing him in the crib turning out his lamp then turned jumping seeing a figure by the door.

"Really Erik?" I asked in a whisper before closing sterling's room door behind me. I turned with my chest to his as I looked up at him. "What? I told you I got it go to bed" I said as he leaned down and kissed my lips slowly.

I placed my hand on his cheek as he deepened the kiss. He pulled away as we just looked at each other. "Um, goodnight I'll be working out in the morning if you wake up after me" he said before licking his lips as I nodded.

"Goodnight" I said before walking to my room. I closed the door behind me and sighed these feelings got to stop I told this man that I love him. I got ready for bed by taking a nice shower and getting dressed in my pajamas.

I was about to get in the bed but someone knocked on my door, I walked to the door and opened it seeing Erik. "Let me show you something before you go to sleep" he said as I walked with him into his room.

He then picked up a rectangular small box as I looked at him a little off. "What's that?" I asked as he handed it to me.

"Open it" he said as I opened it seeing a diamond choker elegant necklace with matching diamond earrings.

"Um what's this?" I asked confused "it's a necklace and a pa-" I cut him off "no why are you giving this to me?" I asked "we're having a party in a couple of days for the king and I wanted you to have some ice" he said as I smiled.

"Thank you but I can't take it" I stated "take it" he said as I shook my head trying to give it back to him. "I don't even have anything to go with this" I said as he shrugged " my aunt has it covered just take it" he explained as I shook my head again trying to give it back to him.

"You deserve this and so much more Y/N just take it" he stated as I sighed and looked down at it. "Thank you" I said hugging him as he hugged me back.
Soon we heard sterling cry but this wasn't no regular cry almost as if something was hurting him or him being pinched.

Erik and I ran out the room seeing him crying and standing in his crib. Erik picked him up and just brung him in his room as I turned on the tv for sterling and Erik. I was about to walk out. "Where you going?" Erik asked as I turned seeing a smile on his face.

I walked over and sat on the bed with them and watching tv sterling kept looking at me and smiling as I smiled and started playing with him as he giggled.

"Mommy" he stated as I stopped playing with him and looked at him. "What you say sterling?" Erik asked "mommy" he said to me as Erik looked at me shocked all I could do was shake my head.

"No baby I'm auntie" I said as he shook his head. He started slowly going to sleep. "What do we do about that?" I asked "I don't even know" Erik said as I looked at the tv.

"I don't want him to call me that because I'm not his mother" I said as Erik shrugged then looked at me. "Yeah you might not want it but what if that's a comfort for him to call you that" Erik said.

"You might not be his mother and your not taking her place but that maybe a comfort to him and when he gets a little older we'll explain it to him" Erik explained.

"Wow" I said giggling "what?" He asked smiling "this is like the smartest shit you've said since I've met you" I joked as he hit me with a pillow and chuckled.

"You want me to put him in the crib because he sleeps wild and he's not sleeping with me" Erik stated as I giggled "lighten up that's how kids sleep" I said before giving sterling a kiss on his head.

We got up and brought him back into his room laying him down in the crib then closed the door.

"Goodnight" I simply said about to walk away but he stopped me "can you sleep with me tonight?" He asked as I laughed "for what?" I asked "because I get bad dreams and shit so I need you next to me to ease my mind when I wake up. He stated with a big ass koolaid smile as I giggled.

"Um no that was so lame besides you're a muscle head you'll be fine" I stated as he smacked his lips. "I'm serious" he said as I giggled "what ever Erik" I stated as he cheesed we laid in the bed.

"So damn goofy for someone that's mean" I stated "I'm only like that with certain people" he said before I shook my head "mmm sooo special" I said sarcastically as he chuckled

"You are special" he stated as I turned my head looking at him. "Special to me and I can't let you leave" he stated looking at the tv as I smiled and grabbed his hand.

"Have you ever met your mother?" I asked out of curiosity. "Nah and she can stay where she's been at for the past 23 years" he stated as I frowned "whenever you get married or have kids you don't want your mother there? I asked as he shook his head and I sighed

"I don't know because someone's been trying to get in contact with me about you" I stated as he turned his head looking at me and I pulled my phone out showing him the email.

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