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We finally landed out here and its almost 6 the chauffeur was driving us to our destination I was looking at everything out the window and it was beautiful. The water was light blue and pretty. Palm trees everywhere and sandy white sand.

We passed by so many seafood restaurants and started riding towards open private beach parts. I looked to my side seeing Erik with his head phones on looking like he was thinking.

Yesterday and today he's been out of it I'm kind of worried about him.

I grabbed his hand as he looked over at me with a faint smile. "You okay?" I asked as he nodded "I'm straight" he said as I looked at him. "Thanks for the trip again" I said as he nodded and looked out the window.

We started pulling up to a house and I was kind of confused.

"I thought we were staying at a resort or hotel?" I asked confused "Nah we got a private vacation area" Erik said as I admired the pool and the outside of the house

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"I thought we were staying at a resort or hotel?" I asked confused "Nah we got a private vacation area" Erik said as I admired the pool and the outside of the house.

The cool thing about all of this was it was on the beach in a private area so we could be in a house and on a beach without being messed with or harassed by TMZ or any other major news outlets.

The truck came to a full complete stop and the chauffeur and Erik took the bags out the car. "So is Tori and Steelo staying In here with us?" I asked

"No they're in the one next door to us" Erik stated as we walked in and my eyes glowed up.

"This is nice" I said before running upstairs and looking at our rooms

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"This is nice" I said before running upstairs and looking at our rooms. It had two rooms one upstairs and one downstairs. Both had great views of the beach but the bottom room had it to where you can watch whoever in the pool and walk straight onto the beach.

It looked real relaxing but I knew my paranoid ass had to go upstairs and sleep

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It looked real relaxing but I knew my paranoid ass had to go upstairs and sleep. I some what had a fear of big open water at night time.

We settled in and the sun was starting to set I called checking up on Jamaria and she was fine so I somewhat felt better about everything.

Tori and Steelo came over as the boys were in the kitchen I changed to get dressed for the proper hot weather outside.

I placed my hair in a low ponytail "so has he brought up the question yet?"  tori asked as I shook my head "still?!" She asked as I nodded "yeah but I ain't sweating it I got the rest of my life" I said trying not to feel some type of way but I kn...

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I placed my hair in a low ponytail "so has he brought up the question yet?"  tori asked as I shook my head "still?!" She asked as I nodded "yeah but I ain't sweating it I got the rest of my life" I said trying not to feel some type of way but I knew my vibe was coming off on tori.

"Girl don't lie to me what's wrong?" She asked as I sighed "do you think Erik will ever propose? I know I didn't want to get married but we got a baby and now I kind of want to be engaged." I explained as she sighed.

"I understand just like I'm waiting on this man to set a date for us to get married" she said as I sat next to her. "Yeah but at least you have a ring on your finger I don't, and I know I'm part to blame because he came to me times before talking about this and I just pushed it away because I thought he was playing and thought we weren't ready but I want it, I love him." I explained as tori smiled.

"Give it some time Y/N because you know he loves you but if it may not happen just know you two will always love each other that's your first love and from how he treats you you're his first love" she started off.

"You and Erik came a long way and he's a better person everyday because of you, you we're there when no one else cared so you just never know what God has in store for you Erik could've been here for a time and season maybe he won't be your fiancé or husband you just got to wait on it" she explained as I nodded.

"You're right I guess I just want myself to live a happy life and my daughter to live a happy life." I said as tori giggled "as you should" she said as I smiled and we hugged.

"But yeah hop on that wedding date so I can be a maid of honor" I said as she smiled I got one in mind but steelo be freaking out and shit I swear every date I bring up is someone's birthday in his family I could name the whole month of October and he's saying it's his cousins birthday or aunts" tori said giggling as I laughed.

" that's cute he got cold feet" I said as she shook her head "I'm going to drag that nigga to the justice of the peace and get married he keep playing with me" she threatened as I laughed.

"Shit at least you're engaged don't complain he's taking his time" I said "so is Erik" she said.

"Yeah but I don't know Erik iffy he's not going to propose we always get into arguments about it but that he's not going to" I explained

"Hey you never know" she said shrugging as I shook my head and sat there, she looked at me.

"What's up?" She asked as I sighed "Erik wants go back into the ring with Ricky and I don't know if I can take it" I stated "what do you mean?" She asked.

"Losing to Ricky fucked him up mentally and physically, he could've lost his life but he didn't and now he wants to go back Tori I don't want him to go back and he's not listening to anyone not even me" I explained.

"You do what you can you stick by him" she said as I looked at her "yes but what if it happens, again what if this time he never wakes up how do I deal with that?" I asked.

"You can think like that Y/N it's Erik he will beat him, you love him right?" She asked as I nodded "yeah but Tori it scares me and then that's when I start backing out of the engagement." I stated.

"What you mean?" She asked "I can't put myself through that he won't listen to nobody everybody keeps trying to warn him but Ricky just makes Erik's blood boil" I explained as she sighed.

There was a knock at the door before Tori could talk . I got up and got the door seeing Erik and steelo there.

"Yes?" I asked "Can we hook up the game?" They asked as I shook my head laughing "Yeah" I said "what's for dinner?" Tori asked "Tacos and Nachos and your ass better help me" I said as she followed me to the kitchen she sat on one of the counters eating some chips as I was setting up everything on the island of what I was going to make.

I started cooking as tori was shredding up some lettuce and cutting up some tomatoes.

Once dinner was finished we ate dinner outside watching the sun set and laughing soon we were done chilling. "Tee I got the kitchen and everything just go and set up your date for y'all wedding" I said as she laughed and we all said our goodbyes.

Once they left Erik automatically went and locked himself in one of the rooms.

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