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I woke up and automatically felt the need to throw up. I was in a room and I looked around as there was no window just walls and a door. I looked down as my whole outfit was dirty but that was besides the point I had to get out of here. I started yelling and banging on the door but no answer.

I tried calling tori on my phone but it died mid call. "What are the fucking odds" I said to myself. I placed my sandals back on as the door was starting to open and I seen two female guards with Spears In their hands.

"Miss Y/N, Change"she started off as I looked around for what she wanted me to change into. "Once finished the king would like to speak with you" she added before closing the door. I then seen an outfit on a chair. I got dressed into the leopard print dress.

And once I was done I banged on the door to let them know I was done getting dressed

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And once I was done I banged on the door to let them know I was done getting dressed. They opened the door as I just looked at them I felt them place my hands behind my back in some type of cuffs.

"Where am I?" I asked trying to fight them off but they ignore me and had a tight grip on my arm while walking me through out the palace which I was in. I watched the guards open to huge doors revealing Erik himself Smirking.

 I watched the guards open to huge doors revealing Erik himself Smirking

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"Why am I not surprised?" I simply said to myself. He looked away at everyone else beginning to discuss his plan and the whole original idea for becoming the king. "You know where I'm from we didn't have the resources like you guys here in wakanda do" he started off

 "You know where I'm from we didn't have the resources like you guys here in wakanda do" he started off

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APESHIT| Erik Killmonger StoryWhere stories live. Discover now