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I was sitting on the bed in our hotel room looking out the huge window showing Las Vegas nightlife, nobody even went out to eat they were so concerned about me.
Y/N finally walked in slowly kicking her heels off and looking at me as both my hands were balled up.

I was trying to calm down but that shit pissed me off. I was calm with him talking about me but then he started saying disrespectful shit about Y/N and that's my girl then got worse talking about taking my family.

Y/N walked up to me as I just stared straight ahead she grabbed my hands as I tried to keep them in a fist but she rubbed my hands.

"Let it go baby" she said as I tightened them back up but she rubbed them again trying to loosen my grip and I loosened them sighing.

"Baby just let it go" she said as a tear fell from my eye and I hurried and wiped it. She kneeled in-font of me.

"Baby don't let that ruin your special night you have family here that cares and loves you, you won and he's upset because you have everything he doesn't just let it go you and I both know what you're capable of "she said as I sighed.

"Yes but he started being disrespectful about you if it wasn't for everyone I would've killed that nigga, I killed my ex for you what makes that nigga any special?" I stated as she sighed.

"You can't kill him we said we were going to leave certain things behind and start something new, you and I both have a dark past and we can't bring that out so just relax and if I didn't got you, you know I would've told you to kill that nigga" she explained as I chuckled at the last part then we did our handshake.

Honestly she was the only person who could calm me down someone I would talk to when I'm going going through anything.

"You good now?" She asked standing up and holding her hand out for me as I got up "Yeah I'm straight" I said. "Good because we're starving" she said pointing to her and her stomach.

"After dinner I'm going to steal you away" I stated as she smiled putting on her sandals. "Where we going?" She asked.

"It's a surprise" I said chuckling as she smiled and we walked to the elevator my phone vibrated as Y/N's did too. She looked at me and pulled her phone out and her mouth opened in disgust.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she shook her head "Ricky's on Instagram in my DM's" she stated."saying?" I asked "don't worry about it just enjoy tonight please" she said placing her phone back in her purse.

"You Do know I'm going to find out?" I asked as she nodded "yeah I know" she stated then turned to me.

"Let me see your phone" she stated as I pulled it out giving it to her. "What's up?" I asked confused. "For one I'm surprised I ain't have to fight with a man for his phone" she said as I chuckled.

"Why would we fight? I ain't got nothing I told you if I'm with you then I'm with you if I ain't want you, you wouldn't be pregnant nor would you be here" I stated as she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Why you got to be harsh ugly" she stated as I chuckled " I'm not Im just not the type to do dumb shit like that, if you putting in 100 I'm going to put in 100, Besides you and me click anyway" I said nudging her arm as I walked out the elevator.

She followed "I'm not searching your phone Erik, I'm just making sure you have a good time tonight you don't need any negative energy" she said as I nodded

"What did Ricky DM you?" I asked out of curiosity "I said enjoy your night right?" She asked in all seriousness "yeah" I said "then enjoy it" she said as we got in the truck with our chauffeur as he drove us to an Italian restaurant that the family was meeting at.

We had a room reserved for us due to the good amount of family we had celebrating with us. Y/N and I hugged everyone as we walked in. I dapped up T'Challa again "are you okay?" He asked as I smiled "yeah I'm straight" I said sitting down next to Y/N as everyone in the room was all talking.

I was thinking and I was really going to fuck Ricky up. Dead ass going to kill him in that ring when I see him. Y/N looked at me "What you thinking about?" She asked as I looked at her and she just placed her hand on my leg.

"Don't worry about it" she said smiling and rubbing my leg. "So Baby names?" My aunt asked knocking me out my thoughts. "Auntie what's your baby's name since you due in a couple of weeks" jasmine stated shaking her head.

"Y/N, baby let me speak to you" my mother said as Y/N nodded then got up. As soon as Y/N left the table got quiet as they all stared at me.

"What?" I asked giving sterling some breadsticks. "When are you going to propose?" One asked "what's the ring going to look like?" Another asked "do you even know her ring size?" Another one asked as they kept asking questions about rings.

"Hey!" William semi yelled "let this boy breathe he will do it when he's ready and when she's ready" William stated as I nodded.


I walked out with Tiffany "is he okay?" She asked as I shook my head. "He was fine until Ricky started talking about me" I explained.

"Now Ricky is messing with both of us on social media I had to block him
On Erik's phone because he gets mad over and over again just seeing him, hearing his name" I explained.

"Critics are really trying to push for this fight not just Ricky and his crew" Tiffany stared as I sighed "what do we do? I don't want him to bring his true colors out and he looks like the bad guy but Ricky's really digging himself his own grave" I explained.

"There's Nothing we can do this fight is bound to happen we just need to stand by him the whole way" Tiffany stated.

"I just don't want Erik to look like the bad guy when he puts Ricky six feet under because if Ricky keep it up he's going to bring something out of Erik I haven't seen in a minute" I simply said.

"He's messing with the wrong woman and the wrong family" Tiffany said shaking her head as she showed me apple news.

"Erik Stevens and Ricky pursue breaks out into a brawl after a victory match for Stevens."

They be real extra with the damn title who the fuck put "Brawl"? Erik punched that nigga and that was it. I kept reading and Ricky said some words to the press I wished he never said.

"Steven's better stop before his unborn child have a new father and his girl got a new man who ain't six feet under like his pops" I just sighed.

"Is there a way for me to get them to take this down?" I asked "I already tried calling places but Ricky paid them to keep it circulating on the internet." Tiffany said as I shook my head.

"Let's go eat we'll figure it out later" I said as we went back in the room and sat down. Erik looked at me as I looked at him and kissed his lips.

"I love you" I said smiling "love you too" he said smiling back as I grabbed his hand thinking.

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