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I was up watching HBO sports on my iPad as Y/N was sleeping next to me and Jamaria sleep in her bassinet on Y/N's side.

I was looking at Ricky and the way he was carrying himself after this fight and it angered me he paraded winning that fight and he only won because I put my guard down and got cocky.

I turned off the iPad and sighed "you know if you keep watching him you're just going to make yourself even more mad" I heard Y/N say.

"Yeah I know but I have to fight him one more time" I stated as she didn't say anything.  "Erik why?" She asked "because I have too" I stated as she turned in the bed looking at me.

"Ricky is just jealous why do you need to do it?" She asked "I need to show jay that it's not okay for someone to keep picking at her" I started off "no one is going to keep picking at my family" I said as Y/N sat up and sighed.

"You need to teach her that but the most important thing you need to teach her is her worth you teach her how a man is supposed to teach her as her father you don't teach her to fight each time someone says something you don't like, like I asked before what are you fighting this boy for?" She asked.

"I feel like I have too, it feels like there is a weight on my shoulders and a voice in my head thats telling me I need to do it, for you, for Jay and for myself" I explained as Y/N looked away.

"I promise I'm going to win just trust me" I said grabbing her hand as she looked at me  "you better because I'm whooping your ass after and I'm whooping everybody else asses." She said as I chuckled then bear hugged her kissing her cheeks repeatedly as she giggled then we started hearing Jamaria start whining.

"See you woke her up" Y/N said as I chuckled getting out the bed going to get Jamaria before Y/N could.

"Your mother is coming over tomorrow to see Jamaria so don't be trying to hog her" Y/N said as I took a picture of Jamaria.

Then picked her up "it's okay baby girl" I said kissing her head as whined some but went back to sleep

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Then picked her up "it's okay baby girl" I said kissing her head as whined some but went back to sleep. "You want to watch her while I go to the store right quick and get some snacks I'm hungry" she asked as I nodded "yeah" I said looking at Jamaria.

"What you want?" She asked as I shook my head "Nah I'm straight you know once I get something sweet it's over with" I said as she smiled.

"You sure you got it?" She asked one more time "yeah go get some fresh air" I said as she kissed my cheek putting on a jacket and leaving out. I walked downstairs with Jamaria. Once Y/N closed the door Jamaria started whining and soon started crying.

"Shush baby girl" I said bouncing her as she kept crying I then tried giving her the pacifier she continued crying so I started fixing up a bottle for her.

I kept rocking her trying to feed her but she kept whining. "Baby girl please" I pleaded as she started screaming at the top of her lungs as I started whining rocking her.

"Baby Girl Just eat and go to sleep" I said bouncing her trying to make her calm down I gave her the pacifier and she started to calm down but then she started whining again and I sighed.

I started calling my mother and will but they wasn't answering neither was steelo and Tori. I finally gave up and called Y/N.

"Hello?" Y/N said "babe I know I told you to take your time but she won't stop crying" I said freaking out. "Erik chill I'm here" she said as I automatically opened the door standing there waiting for her.

Y/N came in as Jamaria was whining "no don't stop it now that your mommy is here" I said as Y/N smiled and looked at me "did you think about changing her?" She asked as we looked at each other.

"Come on" she said as we walked upstairs to her nursery and started changing her.
"Here" Y/N said handing me a diaper as I looked at her.

"I don't know, she's tiny and she's a girl" I said freaking out some as Y/N giggled. "I don't want to hurt her" I said as Y/N stepped in front of me and started changing her as I watched.

"Say daddy all I needed was to be changed" Y/N said kissing Jamaria's cheek as she placed her pacifier in her mouth. "See happy baby" Y/N stated picking her up and handing her to me and Jamaria fell asleep.

"Seriously?" I asked Jamaria as Y/N giggled. "Freaking out for no reason" she said as we went back downstairs and she washed her hands eating some snack cakes and ice cream.

She sat next to me on the couch and looked at me "wants some?" She asked with a spoon full of ice cream as I got ready to eat it she took it away putting it in her mouth laughing.

"While my mother is here you want to really get out?" I asked as she looked at me "and do what?" She questioned "what you want to do?" I asked her "ice skating" she said excitedly as I chuckled "then we'll do that and some food" I said as she smiled.

"What about everyone crowding around in our personal space?" She asked as I chuckled "I'm a boxer ain't nobody fucking with our family" I said as she giggled.

I turned the TV on as it was on the Sports channel Y/N automatically turned it to anything and it was a talk show.

The topic was about Y/N "she has a beautiful voice but if the stage presents isn't there she's going to have a hard time" the lady said as I looked over at Y/N watching it.

"Can she even dance?" The other lady asked "do y'all think the way Hollywood is set up and her being a dark skin woman, do y'all think she's going to last as long as Beyoncé or Nicki Minaj or Rihanna  and in all honesty do y'all think she's going to last?" The lady asked as they got into a big discussion and I seen Y/N look away from the TV.

I was getting ready to turn the TV off but then stopped as one of the ladies on the talk show started backing Y/N up.

"First off it shouldn't matter what skin tone you are how many shades darker you are what religion you're in none of that, her voice is beautiful it shouldn't matter how she looks, the woman is beautiful and is blessed and in all honesty I think she's here to stay" the lady said but you know there was always that negative one in the bunch who says something.

"Yes But How is everyone especially Hollywood going to take a straight African American dark skin woman being in the entertainment business?" The lady asked as Y/N grabbed the remote I was waiting for her to change it but she didn't.

"Like I said before she is beautiful, she can sing so does it matter about her appearance?" The lady started off.

"Whitney Houston was a dark skin woman Y/N maybe darker but it doesn't matter Whitney got placed in movies and been signed at a young age just like Brandy so what is the issue she can sing" the lady said as the crowd went into clapping and cheering.

The lady started talking again "and Y/N if you're watching this at home I want you to fight everything that stands in your way because you are going to change the way they view our culture how we view ourselves. You keep singing and keep fight no matter what, you're number one on Apple Music and on the billboards you keep your hustle up sis" she said as I smiled and Y/N faintly smiled.

She turned the TV off as I looked at her "you want to talk about it now?" I asked as she shook her head getting up.

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