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Y/N was discharged from the hospital a couple of days and we postponed the Ricky fight till tonight. I didn't even feel like fighting him till he took to Twitter.
"I hope everything is fine so your girl can see you get your ass beat"

That nigga really got me fucked I'm beating his ass and I'm not letting up off of him either no ringing bells or anything.
Steroids really going to have to help him.

Y/N cleared out the room besides her and sterling. She had sterling on her hip as I was hitting my gloves together. "You see daddy?" She asked him as I smiled some.

"Daddy is going to win, Say go daddy" she said tickling him. "Go dwaddy!" He stated as I smiled and kissed his head.

"You straight?" She asked as I heard her but I didn't hear her. I nodded "no are you straight?" She asked as I looked at her "yeah" I said as she smiled "clear your mind and do what you need to do, he's been talking his shit you haven't done anything time to bring Killmonger out" she said as I smirked and she kissed my lips.

I kissed back as she smiled "let's go" she said about to turn but I stopped her "what's up, what's wrong?" She questioned as I got in one knee and kissed her belly making her giggle.

I got up "let's go because I'm ready to go home" she stated as someone knocked on the door and I got up "it's time" will stated as Y/N walked in front of me and we walked out into the stadium filled with screaming fans everywhere.

I ain't want no big entrance no songs nothing just wanted to see Ricky. I got in the ring as I eyed him he was laughing like some shit was funny.

"This is going to be a clean fight " I heard the man state as I zoned out and just stared at Ricky in all seriousness. He was looking over at Y/N then nodded his head as I looked over at her seeing her watching rubbing her stomach with sterling on her lap.

"That's going to be all mine when I'm finished" he stated as i clenched onto my mouth guard. "Touch gloves and go to your corners" the man stated as I just glared at Ricky and he laughed walking away.

I walked to William as he was talking to me but I was glaring a Ricky. The bell sounded as I got up walking towards Ricky.

He swung as I dodged it and started hitting his shit as I had him the corner hitting him in his face as he started blocking my hits and hitting my side. They sounded the bell as i got backed up back into my corner so I could leave him alone for round two.

The bell sounded as Ricky ain't step first "let's go!" I yelled

The bell sounded as Ricky ain't step first "let's go!" I yelled

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He walked up to me as I started punching him again. Blows after blows I finally got in back into the corner just punching the shit out of him soon tears came out of my eyes as I punched him one last time sending him on the ground.

I looked to my side seeing Y/N hop up yelling "that's what I'm talking about baby!" She yelled as I looked at Ricky trying to get off the ground but struggled.

"Stay down!" Jasmine said waving Ricky off as I looked at him on the ground still struggling. The bell sounded and the crowd went crazy. Ricky finally got up eyeing me.

Y/N jumped up running to the ring kissing my lips as I got under the ropes coming out the ring picking her up. I kissed her lips as she kissed back.

I walked with her in my arms all the way to the backroom where I was getting ready closing the door behind me.

She got on both feet as we continued to kiss. "I'm ready to go home Erik" she stated as I kissed her lips. "We're going home babygirl" I said kissing her lips.

"Hopefully that'll make him shut up" she said as I agreed "yeah before Killmonger fully shows up" I said as she giggled and kissed my lips.

"We got to celebrate" I said as she laughed "yeah but I'm pregnant what celebrating are we really going to do?" She asked

"I'll show you when we land back in LA" I said before kissing her lips.

As soon as we made it back home I took a shower throwing on some sweats leaving myself shirtless. I eventually fell asleep on the living-room floor playing with sterling while Y/N was knocked out on the couch.

I woke up looking at the time on my phone reading 1:24 A.M. I looked seeing sterling knocked out under me. I got up picking him up taking him into his room and laying him in his bed. I kissed his head, turning on his night light and cracked his room door as I walked out.

I walked downstairs going back in the living room seeing Y/N curled up on the couch sleep.

I lightly tapped her "baby get up" I stated as she groaned and moved around sitting up some. "I'm so tired" she whined laying back on the couch closing her eyes as I started kissing her neck.

I climbed on top of her kissing her lips as she moved some. "Erik I'm so sleepy" She groaned closing her eyes.

"Just lay there" I stated pulling her shorts down as she grabbed my hand "what about my grand mother" she stated "she's not going to hear anything, she's sleep with door closed all the way upstairs and it's a big ass house" I stated as she moved her hand and I smirked.

I took off her shorts and panties as I placed my mouth against her and started sucking her clit. She jumped some trying to pull away but I grabbed her legs earning moans.

I started licking slow as I slipped a finger in causing her moans to get louder. "Erik" she moaned out bitting her lip then threw her head back on the couch as I continued.

I slowly thrusted my fingers as she moaned gripping the side of the couch. Her juices flowed out as I licked it up and kissed her lips.

"You still tired?" I asked as she nodded
I positioned myself as she stopped me "if my grandmother hears me, it's me and you" she stated as I smirked and placed myself in her groaning as she moaned.

It was nice wet and tight, I kissed her neck thrusting in and out of her as she moaned out gripping my back. I kissed sucked on her neck as she whined.

"Oh go- Erik" she squealed as I kissed her lips bitting her bottom lips and pulling at it as she arched her back.

"Fuck" I groaned as she started clenching "I'm about to cum" she moaned out as I went a little faster earning louder moans she tried bitting her lip but I wanted to hear her.

I did slow powerful strokes as her mouth hung open. She gripped my back digging her nails deep into my skin as I groaned.

I came and continued thrusting while kissing her lips slowly. She placed her hand on my chest and pulled her lips from mine. "What's wrong?" I asked as she sat up and I sat back looking at her.

"You good?" I asked as she ignored me getting up and climbing on top of me. She slowly started rocking her hips as I leaned my head back.

I felt her suck on my neck as she bounced slowly. "Shit" I groaned placing my hands on her waist. She kissed my lips as I groaned I felt like a little bitch.

I gripped her butt releasing into her as she continued rocking with her head in the crook of my neck moaning.

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