One: Judgement

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The first night in Asgard is spent looking at the canopy of her bed. The Princess is tucked into her bed with cushions and fluffy pillows all around her. A warm fire kindles over the wayside. It crackles softly now and again. Its flame slowly dying as the night grew darker and darker. A night spent in turmoil and worry. What will Odin's punishment be? Will he make Loki a prisoner for life? Will he cast him out as he did Thor?

Will he denounce Loki as a Prince, and denounce him as his son?

She lay in the large open bed as another lonely night knowing Loki is below Asgard is a cold cell somewhere. The Princess was denied visitation Not even the Queen herself could see Loki. Her beloved son alive again. It was torturous.

Odin left to decide Loki's fate once again. And after the story that Sigyn told him, the All-Father, in all his wisdom, focused on the part where Loki tried to take over Midgard. He did not heed the threat of an unknown power who provided Loki with such power and ideas. Who gave Loki an army. Who kept Loki a prisoner.

"Not without evidence or confession from Loki." said Odin.

And that was that. He would give his decree in the morning. And so ensued a restless night for all Asgard. The news of the Prince Loki's return had spread far and wide among the people. They demanded justice for Midgard and justice for his wrong doing. Justice for destroying the Bifrost and joining allegiance with the Jotnar. "Yes," said Odin. "He will be judged for all his past crimes. They cannot and will not go unforgotten."

When the morning finally came, Sigyn who could no longer lay in her bed is up and ready at her vanity before her handmaidens, who are surprised to see the Princess dressed.

"Your Grace." they bowed to her. They praised her and rejoiced for they were so happy she was finally back. They doted on her that morning. Bringing her a good breakfast and fresh flowers for her room. The subject of sensitivity however was avoided. The maidens knew that. They brushed and did her hair in a soft style.

"Does this mean, Her Grace, is back to stay?" one asked.

"You do not ask such questions." scolded the other.

Sigyn tried to smile. "It's okay." she said. "I don't know if I will stay. Today will determine that."

Then there was a knock at the door. "Lady Sigyn." one of Queen Frigga's maiden entered the chamber. "The Queen Frigga." she announced.

Sigyn is on her feet as her maidens move to the side and curtsy for their Queen. Sigyn rushed over to Queen Frigga who embraced her in a tight hug. "Oh, my sweet girl." she cried. "I am so sorry. I had heard everything from Odin. I tried to speak reason with him."

"Have you been to see him?" she questioned.

"They would not let me."


"By orders of the All-Father."

Sigyn growled. "He can be so cruel in the harshest of times!" she shrugged her shoulders in a fit of anger. "I had just only got Loki back and now he is doomed to spend eternity in prison. I cannot stand the thought of it." she cried, using her sleeve to dap away the tears on her cheek.

"Come," said Queen Frigga, ushering Sigyn back to her vanity to sit. "Clean yourself up. We must attend. Odin will give his decree shortly, I assume."

"He is too quick at putting away Loki. Setting him aside like a used-up trinket."

Frigga smiled softly at her. "Don't forget the great deed you have already done. The All-Father promised a lenient punishment."

"What is lenient in the eyes of Odin?" spits Sigyn. "Or eye." she corrected, and then chuckled at herself.

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