Chapter 22: Taking The Throne

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Some Time Later

"You once said there would never be a wiser king than me." Odin says to Thor who was kneeling before the throne. "You were wrong. The alignment has brought all the realms together. Every one of them saw you offer your life to save them. What can Asgard offer it's new king in return?"

"My life." Thor replied. "Father, I cannot be King of Asgard. I will protect Asgard and all the realms with my last and every breath, but I cannot do so from that chair. And Sigyn is far more fit to be queen than I ever will be as king. Loki for all his grave imbalance understood rule as I know I never will. The brutality, the sacrifice... it changes you. I'd rather be a good man than a great king."

"Is this my son I hear, or the women he loves?" Odin asked sitting back on his throne.

"When you speak, do I never hear mother's voice?" Thor says. "Or Sigyn's voice whenever Loki spoke? This is not for Jane, Father. She does not know what I came here to say. Now forbid me to see her, or say she can rule at my side. It changes nothing."

"One son who wanted the throne too much..." Odin says. "And another who will not take it. Is this my legacy?"

"Loki died with honour." Thor says. "I shall try to live the same, is that not legacy enough?"

Thor looked down at his hammer he held, before lifting it to his father. Odin shook his hand, "It belong to you. If you are worthy of it."

"I shall try to be."

"I cannot give you my blessing, nor can I wish you good fortune."

"I know." Thor says and turns to walk away, but not before Odin interrupted,

"If I were proud of the man my son had become, even that I could not say. I would speak only from my heart. Go, my son."

"Thank you, Father." Thor nodded and turned to walk the length of the throne room towards the doors, his red cape fluttering behind him. Odin watched as Thor exited the doors, before a green glow enveloped his body to reveal Loki sitting on the throne with Sigyn lounging over his lap, her legs crossed while she sat on his thigh with his arm around her and her arm slung around his neck.

A sly smirk spread across Loki's lips as he said, "No. Thank you." 

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