Chapter 24: Bath

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"Come now," Sigyn smiled warmly. "I've run us a bath and we can give that hair of your's a cut."

"What's wrong with my hair?" Loki replied.

"We have a wedding to attend." Sigyn informed. "If you haven't forgotten."

"You dare accuse me?" Loki throws himself across the bed.

"Does Heimdall watch us?" Sigyn asked from the bath house.

"No." Loki replied, "I may have to deal with him in ways you may not like."

"Do not tell me!"

The water of the bath stopped running shorty after along with Sigyn scuffling about. Loki sat up on the bed, he began to grow more excited.

Sigyn sat on the edge of the bath steps, her hand testing the warm water. Her pink night gown slung loosely over her shoulders and cascaded down the steps. She hears Loki walk into the bath house and turns to see him in all his naked glory, in one hand he holds two drinking horns and in the other a mug of ale.

"Being a Frost Giant has its perks, doesn't it?"

"You know I put all asgardian men to shame, my dear." Loki replied with a proud smile as he sets down the drinking horns and the mug of ale on the steps. "My brother more than most."

"Oh, please." Sigyn rolled her eyes. "Just get in will you."

"I want you to join me." Loki whined and stepped into the water and allowed himself to sink in. "Hmm. Water's just perfect, like you, my love."

"You flatter me." Sigyn replied bluntly and turned on her bum to put her legs into the water. "And I will join you shortly, but first turn around."

Loki swam from the other side of the bath towards Sigyn, he sat on the step in the water, settling his back between her legs.

She picked up an empty mug, filled it with water and poured it over Loki's head without warning.

"Hey!" he cursed and shook his head of the water.

"Stop!" Sigyn tried to shield her body from the water he shook from his head, "Your wetting me!"

"You will be soon." Loki craned his head to look up at her. Blood rushed to Sigyn's cheeks as she picked up a pair of encrusted scissors.

"Keep it in your pants."

"But I have no pants on." Loki furrowed his eyebrows confused. Sigyn shook her head and pushed his head forwards, unable to help the smile on her face. She ran her fingers threw his hair and began to cut away at the edges, discarding the cut pieces onto the steps.

"Just a trim." Loki instructed.

"I will cut as much as I please." Sigyn replied as she continued to cut his hair. "I am your wife, not a servant."

"I'm aware, but I like my hair this length."

"I'm aware." Sigyn repeated his words. She continued to cut away until she was pleased with her work. She set down the scissors and again poured another cup of water over his head to wash away the fly aways. She then brushed down her own self. Loki turned to the ale, and poured it into the drinking horns.

"Many thanks, my love."

Sigyn stepped out of the bath and pulled off her pink gown, leaving her naked, and flicked it out over the balcony, forcing the hair to fly off her gown.

She threw her gown over a seat and watched as Loki downed his first cup of ale within seconds before pouring himself another.

Sigyn stepped into the bath and allowed herself to be swallowed by the warmth of the water, she resurfaced, pushing her hair back and swam over to Loki.

She threw her arms around his neck, pressing her chest against his back and buried her face into his neck and let out a deep breath.

"Would you like a drink?" Loki asked softly. Sigyn hummed in reply, making Loki chuckle. He reached up and took the other drinking horn off it's stand. Sigyn then turned to rest her chin on his shoulder and took the horn from him.

Loki took his other hand in hers and raised it to his lips to kiss her hand, "Come around." he twirled her arm over his head and turned his body to face her again. He pulled her body flush against his, her legs on either side of his waist.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, why?"

"We'll find him." Loki reassures. "Fear not."

"You don't think he could have escaped Asgard?" Sigyn asks. "Using your secret paths like Lorelei did?"

"It's a possibility." Loki nods in agreement. "Would you do the honour's of hunting that bastard down?"

"With pleasure, my king."

Loki immediately devoured her lips, kissing her as if he was struggling to breath, deprived of her touch. His massive hands trailed down her sides and to her legs, making her moan into the kiss.

Sigyn allowed herself to melt into him, kissing him back with the same force. Meanwhile forgetting she had a drink, she tipped it.

Loki then yelped surprised breaking the kiss as the cold ale poured down his back. Sigyn laughed quickly picking the horn back up.


"You've barely had a few sips." Loki sank into the water with Sigyn still wrapped around his body, until the water reached their necks. Sigyn shook her head and checked to see how much ale she had left and then drank it all in one gulp and lazily set the horn atop the step.

"Now where were we?" Loki purred and hungrily kissed her again.

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