Chapter 9: Under Siege

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Sigyn led Jane and Frigga through the twisty and windy tunnels that ran under the city, they took the torchlit tunnel that would take them directly into the palace. Above them, they could hear the sound of gunfire and terrible rumbles and shakes.

Sigyn, Frigga and Jane finally came to a set of stairs leading upwards into the light of the palace, they emerged into the alcoves bellow the throne room.

"We need to find, Odin." Frigga states.

Sigyn nodded and set forward, she threw out her arms and her spears appeared in either hand. She guided Frigga and Jane through the corridors of the palace.

"Quickly." Sigyn ordered and took off in a slight jog, she approached the stairs that would lead her upwards straight into the throne room. Together, the three jogged up the steps into the throne room.

Afar, Odin marched with his generals clad in full armour and his spear in hand, barking commands. "Send a squadron to the vault, protect it at all costs. Secure the dungeon—"

"Odin!" Frigga called as they quickly approached.

"Frigga?" Odin stopped in his wake, before turning to his guards. "GO!"

The warriors quickly obeyed and marched away.

"A skirmish, nothing to worry about." Odin reassured. Frigga merely smiled softly, with one eyebrow raised,

"You've never been a very good liar."

"Take her to your chambers. I'll come for you when it's safe."

Sif then entered the room leading a squad of warriors, she eyes Jane as she passes.

"You take care." Frigga warned.

"Despite all I have survived, my queen still worries over me." Odin placed a gentle hand to Frigga's cheek.

"It's only because I worry over you that you have survived."

Odin and Frigga parted ways, Sigyn went to follow after the queen, but Odin called.

"Sigyn, secure the dungeons!" he ordered.

Sigyn looked between the queen and the all-father, unsure of who to follow. Frigga quickly shooed her away.

"Go! we'll be fine."

"Of course." Sigyn nodded and marched towards the dungeons. She singled a squadron, "With me!"


Sigyn entered into the dungeons with the a squad of warriors flanking the princess. At her feet laid dead prisoners and guards.

"Help anyone who is alive." She ordered and marched down the hall, pacing Thor, Fandral and Volstagg who fought off prisoners.

She came to Loki's cell to see him standing, peering out. "Was this you?" she asked.

"I'm still in here, am I not?" he replies.

"Then what happened?"

"A creature they brought in." Loki begins to pace his cell. "A dark elf."

"Impossible, they're all dead."

"Or maybe, they're here for something..." Loki's voice trailed off. Sigyn's eyes fluttered upwards. Jane. They're here for the Aether. And she left them alone—

Suddenly, the entire palace rumbled and shook, dust and dirt fell from the cracks in the ceiling and the lights flickered.

Sigyn looked back at Loki before bolting towards the exit.

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