Two: Fools Love

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Princess Sigyn paces the chamber up and down the length of the golden wall. She fiddled with her fingers nervously waiting to hear Odin's verdict. She tried to play it off by fiddling with the parts of her gown. She licked her lips in anticipation, mind is running rabid.

Queen Frigga sits on the alcove staring out into the city. She hasn't spoken a word. Both women afraid to say their truths and find out the worst outcome.

Princess Sigyn stopped to look at the Queen. "You don't think Odin..."

"No." the Queen replied, quickly. "Deep down he still loves Loki. And because of me and you, he won't sentence him to die. His crime was great but not enough to warrant such a punishment."

"Eternity locked away is more cruel in Odin's mind." said Sigyn. "And there is truth in that."

Queen Frigga turned her head. "Do you truely believe the story you told Odin?" she asked.

"I do." Sigyn nodded. "He has confessed words momentarily to me in pieces. I can put together the puzzle and piece together what he was trying to tell me. All he did, he did for me. All he did was to protect me. From what? He confessed it was already too late, that HE knew. He spent all his time blocking me out of his mind to protect me. Who is HE?" questioned Sigyn. "Who should Loki the tesseract and these powers? Who gave him this army? Odin must take this threat more seriously."

"You think there is something bigger happening here?"
"With all my heart."

An Einherjar entered the chamber and bowed his head. "Your Majesty." he addressed the Queen. "My Lady." he addressed the Princess. "The All-Father has come to his decision to imprison Prince Loki for the remainder of his days given the gravity of his crimes."

Queen Frigga, without a word, nodded and sent away the guard.

Once the door was closed, Sigyn collapsed to her knees and fell into hysterics. Mumbling incoherent words and sobbing into her hands. "Not again." Queen Frigga could merely make out some of the words. All she could do was comfort the girl. It was happening all over again, just without the theatrics and drama the stories told.

Odin, in his wise and old age, has sentenced Loki to imprisonment. Again. Just less cruel this time. No cave involved, or a snake to drip venom. No son's had to die. Just the great big empty torture of loneliness and sleepless uncomfortable nights forever it would seem.

Sigyn can hear her brother laughing in the dungeons that he himself rots in. Her husband locked away in Asgard, and her brother locked away in Vanaheim. Torn between worlds. What will happen when she ascends the throne?

She could go to war.

It is a suggestion. An option; one might add.

She married to end war, she will start another to free him.

Queen Frigga eventually managed to bring Sigyn up from her knees and coerce her to the lounges. She dried her eyes and sat by her. "You are the Queen." said Sigyn. "Do you have no power to do anything?"

Frigga shook her head. "Thats the funny part." she replied. "I am the Queen, I can do whatever I wish. But I have no real power. Not over the All-Father. I have no power to overrule his command. It will be the same for your mother. And when you become Queen, your word will be the absolute law."

Sigyn sighed. All hope is lost.

"Just know, regardless, I am so happy to finally have you both home." the Queen said. She stands up to take her leave when the chamber doors opened. Sigyn hadn't bothered to greet the person marching up to them.

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