Chapter 8: Break Out

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Sigyn and Frigga strolled the streets of Asgard, through the markets. "Have you decided on a wedding gift for Vali?" Frigga asked.

"I have not." Sigyn replied almost ashamed. "I haven't had the time to think of something."

"I thought I would pass down an heirloom."

"An heirloom?"

"Yes." Frigga smiled excitedly. "It's more of an ancient study, a mix between the dark arts and witchcraft."

"Is it dangerous."

"I would never give him something dangerous, no." Frigga shook her head. "But it's a surprise!"

Sigyn chuckled, "I look forward to it. My queen— have you met Jane Foster?"

"Thor's lover? I don't believe I have."

"She's here."

"I know, Odin told me last night. He ranted on and on." Frigga explains. "Poor girl, with the Aether trapped inside of her, I fear for her."

"You wouldn't know how to help her?"

"No, I don't."

Iwaldi then appeared from the crowded streets, accompanied with two guards. "My daughter."

"Father?" Sigyn greeted. "I thought you would be in the palace."

"Yes, but I am on my way home now." Iwaldi stands before the two women. "All-mother, I bid you farewell."

"Safe journeys." Frigga nodded her head.

"Tell Vali we will all be attending his wedding." Sigyn smiles. "And tell mother and Nanna I say hello."

"I will, my child." Iwaldi rubs Sigyn's shoulder in a comforting manner. "Farewell."

"I will see you."

And with that said, Iwaldi spins on his heel and takes his leave with the two guards flanking him.

"There is no way to allow Loki to attend his own son's wedding?"

"I'm afraid not." Frigga says sadly, her voice barely a whisper. Sigyn then spots Thor's tall blonde head walking across a walkway on the other side of an open tavern, with Jane at his side. "I think it's time you met this mortal."

Sigyn guided Frigga across the tavern towards Jane and Thor who are now sitting at the cobblestone railings.

"I'll find a way to save you, Jane." Thor says staring into her eyes,

"Your father said there was—"

"My father doesn't know everything."

"Don't let him hear you say that." Frigga announces their presence. Thor and Jane turn surprise by the sudden approach of Frigga and Sigyn. Thor clears his throat, taking Jane by the hand and saying,

"Jane Foster, please meet Frigga, Queen of Asgard, my mother."

"Oh!" Jane rips her hand from Thor's and distances herself from him embarrassed, "Hi."

Sigyn laughed with Frigga, "No need to be embarrassed, child. It's a pleasure to meet my son's lover, whom he doesn't stop speaking of."

"I've heard..." Jane licks her lips.

"She's beautiful, Thor." Frigga says to her son. Thor chuckled and looks down at her feet, while Jane's cheeks turned a light pink.

"Ah! I did the same thing when Sigyn was introduced into the family, I told Thor how lucky he was to marry her—"

"Marry?" Jane's head shot up with surprise and confusion.

"Oh, this was centuries ago!" Sigyn waves her off with a laugh. "It was arranged... I don't feel for Thor like you do."

"Oh?" Jane pursed her lips, still confused. "Then how did you get with Loki?"

The three Asgardians fell silent. Frigga looks between Thor and Sigyn who shared the same look of who's going to tell the story.

"You see, Jane. Sigyn and I could never be more than friends—" Thor began.

"—Which is true" Sigyn adds.

"So my brother and I conversed in a plan to have him marry her instead. Using illusions he disguised himself as me while I hid... and they married." Thor explains clapping his hands together. "My father was not happy."

"I was very displeased with the way you did it." said Frigga.

"You where displeased?" Sigyn says sarcastically.

"But we look back at it now and laugh!" Thor chirped. "Don't we?"

"And your lucky we do so." Sigyn replied.

Jane's mouth fell open, lost for words. If she was going to marry Thor, this is the kind of life she would be brought into. A world of mystery, magic, fighting and love. The only problem was—

-In the distance, alarms rang.

"The prison" Frigga announced concerned.

"Loki." Thor says unsurprised.

"Go, I'll look after her." Frigga says to Thor. Thor nods and without hesitation he jogs up the steps, discarding his cloaks and jumping over the railing, summoning his hammer into his hand as he flew towards the palace.

"It hasn't even been a week." Sigyn sighed and stepped forward to look over the balcony walkway towards the palace. Her dress changed with a golden glow into her armour.

"A new record." Frigga mumbled.

Suddenly dozen's of foreign ships flew through the air shooting towards the palace. The people began to scream and run for cover while the Asgardian ships fired back, shooting down the ships, while the golden force field rose to protect the palace.

"Quickly!" Sigyn backed away from the balcony edge, taking the queen's and Jane's hand she guided them into the street, pushing past the people who scurried to safety. "We can takes the underground tunnels!"

Sigyn came to an arched doorway which had stairs leading down into the darkened tunnels. 

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