Six: The Aether

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They marched like soldiers behind the two kings of Asgard and Vanaheim as they strided the halls of the palace in a hurry to reach to the Library of Asgard. It was there that Odin could confirm his suspicions on what was wrong with Jane Foster.

Sigyn walked with Jane Foster behind Thor who hurried after his father. The mortal woman was at awe of the entire palace around her, but they walked so quickly that she barely had any time to truely admire this world. That was all she had done since arriving. Move quickly to get to one place from another. "What was your father's name again?" asked Jane.

"Iwaldi." said Sigyn. And Jone nodded back. "King of Vanaheim. Most call him the Silver King." Then Sigyn added. "When addresses both Kings, here in the these realms, Jane Foster, you must address them with their proper tittles. Odin, All-Father, your grace, your majesty, my king, and so on."

"So strict. It's kind of the same back home with our royal family." replied Jane. "Queen Elizabeth, her majesty, the queen."

"She sounds formidable." smiled Sigyn.

"Some would agree." laughed Jane Foster. "She's a spry old women let me tell you."

All-Father Odin turned into a giant set of open doors casted with thick Celtic patterns and he entered the library. In the ceiling above is the illusion of Yggdrasil with her branches spanning the universe and caressing each of the Nine Realms. Stars glittered above them as each universe seemed to turn slowly with time. It was a breathtaking sight. Around them, shelves of old books lay collecting dust with bounds of information on anything you can think of. The smell of old leather is strong too and it is a welcoming memory for Sigyn.

Odin whisked a thick book from a shelf and returned with it to the podium. He dropped the book down and opened it into two. "There are relics that predate the universe itself." he began to explain. "What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn, as they will have a dusk. But before that dawn, the dark forces, the dark elves reigned absolute and unchallenged."

In the book are illustrations of white creatures with pointy ears and dark eyes. They wore robes of dark colours contrasting their pale white skin. Most had dark hair and sharp features and some had bright eyes. The illustrations seemed to move on the page with magic touch, in a loop of ink and colour on the page it bought the Dark Elves to life on paper.

Thor stepped forward to read what the runes on the page said, glowing gold, "Born of eternal night the dark elves come to steal away the light." Thor read aloud. "I have heard these stories. Mother told them to us as children."

Odin turned the page to a Dark Elf that stood over the others. "Their leader Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness." In his hands was a sharp drawing of blackness. It seemed to be forever melting on the page. "It was called The Aether. While the other relics often appear as stone The Aether is fluid and ever changing. It changed matter into dark matter and seeks out host bodies drawing strength from their life force. Malekith sought to use The Aether's power and turn the universe to one darkness." The golden rays on the page slowly dyed black. "But, after eternities of bloodshed my father Bor finally triumphed ushering in a peace that lasted thousands of years."

Jane Foster timidly stood on the other side of the pendulum. She can feel King Iwaldi's sharp gaze on her. "What happened?" she asked.

Odin turned his head to her. "He killed them all."

"Are you certain?" Thor questioned. "The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them and yet here it is." he gestured to Jane.

"The dark elves are dead." snapped Odin.

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