Chapter 40: A Mess To Clean

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The city suddenly dropped from the sky and Steve managed to jump onto the boat ramp in time.

"Steve?!" Sigyn shouted, her heart skipped a beat thinking he wouldn't make it for a second. The two looked over the edge, watching as the city rapidly fell from the sky as huge reactors turned on and forced the city to fall faster towards the earth.

"Thor, on my mark!" Tony says into the coms. Lightning then spouted from the centre of the city.


The city erupted into an explosion in mid air. Smoke filled the air as earth was sent flying across the sky. Sigyn let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. For a moment, she thought it may have not worked and there was nothing she could do.

A smile stretched across her face as Steve laughed with delight, "Stark! Thor!" he called.

"Still alive." Tony replied. But there was no reply from Thor.

"Thor?" Sigyn called instead. "If you can hear, answer me. Thor?"

"Maybe coms went down?" Tony suggested. "I'll have a look around for him."

"Thank you, Tony."

The boat began to move to the helicarrier and entered in through the side where it came from. The people were loaded off and taken to emergency care. Sigyn climbed off board with Steve following,

"Um, Sigyn." he called softly.

"Yes?" she replied turning.

"About Bucky." he says reluctantly. "We may have found a lead."

"You have?" she says quietly.

Steve nodded, "but I can't be sure. Instead of returning to Asgard, would you stay and find him?"

Sigyn smiled, "I would love to take your offer, Steve, but I have a realm to rule. I cannot stay. But I wish you all the best in finding your friend. If you ever do find yourself in need of help, simply call upon Heimdall, he will hear you and I will come."

Steve nodded with appreciation, "Thank you."

"I got him." Tony announced suddenly. "We're coming up on the carrier."

"Copy that." Steve replied.


New Avengers Facility

"The rules have changed." Steve says walking along side, Thor, Sigyn and Tony down a glass panned corridor. "We're dealing with something new. Oh, the Vision is artificial intelligence."

"A machine." Tony says.

"So it doesn't count?"

"No, it's not like a person lifting the hammer."

"Right," Steve points his hand at Tony. "Different rules for us."

"Nice guy. Artificial."

"Thank you."

Sigyn huffed loudly and rolled her eyes with a smile, "Are you Midgardian men always this inadequate?""

"Inadequate?" Tony repeats offended. "I'm sorry, but I've never seen you lift the hammer."

"Hmm?" Steve raised his eyebrows with peaking interest.

"That is because I simply cannot." Sigyn argued flailing her arms. "I cannot be anymore blunt."

"He can wield the hammer he can keep the stone." Thor says referring to Vision, interrupting the argument and they came to a slow stop. "It's safe with the Vision. And these days, safe is in short supply."

There was a pause for a moment. Until Steve broke the seriousness by simply saying, "But if you put the hammer in an elevator...."

"It would still go up!" Tony finished.

"Elevator's not worthy."

"By the Norns!" Sigyn chuckled, "Can we please leave already!?"

"Hey!" Tony scolded. "Steve doesn't like that kind of language."

"Hey..." Steve mumbled. But only received a confused glance from Sigyn. Was there something she missed?

"I'm gonna miss these little talks of ours." Thor slaps a head hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Not if you don't leave."

"We have no choice." Thor replied and resumed the walking. "The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence."

The four came to a ramp on the left that led to the outside field of the facility.

"Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us."

Sigyn looked down at her feet, her conversation with Loki came into mind. The Mad Titan. She was unsure of whether Thor should know. She wasn't even sure herself.

"And once all these pieces are in position..."

"Triple Yahtzee." Tony says.

"You think you can find out whats coming?" Steve asked the two Asgardians.

"I do." Thor replied.

"I, unfortunately, will not." Sigyn says with a smile. Thor chuckled and then slapped a light hand over Tony's chest as he stepped forward, "Beside this one. There's nothing that can't be explained."

"I bid you farewell and good luck in finding Banner." Sigyn says and stepped beside Thor.

Thor nodded in acknowledgement to Steve and Tony before raising his hammer and within seconds, the Bifrost was upon the two Asgardians before it disappeared with them, leaving runes behind.

"Those two have no regards for lawn maintenance." 



so that is the end of this book! Fear not, Book Four; Ragnarok is out now!

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