Chapter 30: You Had One Job

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Time skip at least half a year.

"Milady." an Einherjar guard approached Sigyn in the halls.

"What is it?" she says picking at grapes.

"A raven sent from Thor." he explains, "It comes with a message." he held out a small piece of paper, rolled up and small enough to fit around a ravens foot.

Sigyn took the letter and unrolled it to read,

The Avenger's have succeeded in retrieving the sceptre until it was taken again. Tony has created an artificial intelligence using the sceptre and we are faced with two powerful enhanced. They need your help, we are torn apart by these forces and I am currently seeking answers to a vision I was shown.

They are currently in a safe house, Barton's farm house, I have notified them I have called for you arrival soon.


Sigyn sighed and rolled the letter back up, "Midgardian's. Notify the All-Father I will be leaving to Midgard at once." she ordered the Einherjar. He nodded before turning away as Sigyn headed for the stables.


In the skies in Midgard began to rumble over Clint's house as the clouds formed. "Hey kids!" he called from the swinging seat. "It's happening!"

His two children screamed with delight and quickly ran outside onto the porch, Clint lifted his children onto his knee's as they watched the sky. His wife followed shortly with the rest of the Avengers as well as Fury.

They looked up at the night sky as the clouds formed overhead. A hole then ripped through the sky as the bifrost energy came blasting down into the far field.

"Whoa!" The kids yelled with awe watching as the bifrost hit the ground causing it to rumble. Clint and his wife smiled as their kids eyes were glued to the phenomenon.

As soon as the bifrost came, it was gone, and Sigyn was left standing with bifrost markings burned into the grass at her feet.

"About time." Tony muttered.

Sigyn marched across the grassy field, clad in full armour. She quickly approached the farm house where the Avengers greeted her.

"That was so cool!" A child screamed as Clint held back his two children, concerned about Sigyn's angry march. "Do it again!"

"Sigyn!" Tony held out his arms and stepped down the porch steps. "Good to have you back, unfortunately I don't have cookies on me—"

"— You had one job!" Sigyn stood toe to toe with Tony, her face flushed with annoyance, "Where is the sceptre?"

"Easy there, Gremlin." Tony was almost offended. "We're all a little shaken up here."

"Oh, so I've heard." Sigyn replied. "A little Witch takes a peek into your minds, and you can't handle it. Where is Thor?"

"He's gone!" Nick called, "Come inside so we can talk!"

Sigyn took in a calming breath, she rounded Tony and stepped up onto the porch. "Steve." She greeted. "Banner."

"Hey." Banner waved while Steve merely nodded in acknowledgment.

"-You need to be nice." Clint warned his children.

"Sorry, daddy." The little girl says.

"They are your children?" Sigyn greeted the archer.

"Yup." Clint picked up his daughter, while his son ran inside. "And this is my wife, Laura."

"Um, it's a pleasure— I know you." Laura says with a wide smile. "Come inside." Laura invited her, gesturing to the door.

"A prince rides inside you." Sigyn gestured to Laura's pregnant belly.

"How did you...?" She wondered with shock.


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