Chapter 25: A Tale Of Woe

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The morning after, Sigyn and Loki lay entangled in their bed sheets. Both awake, but enjoying one another's presence. Sigyn laid across Loki's bare chest, his one arm wrapped around her body and the other under his head as he stared up at the canopy.

He turned his head and opened his mouth to speak, but hesitated for a moment. He closed and reopened his mouth several times before finally finding the courage to say,

"...I'm ready... to tell you."

Sigyn sat up and looked at him confused, "Tell me what?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"What happened-" he swallowed nervously. "You said on Midgard, I could tell you when I was ready to."

"Yes, of course!" Sigyn laid her head back down on his arm. "I'm listening."

Loki swallowed heavily, how did he get himself into this? He didn't even know where to begin. So he began from the beginning. 

"After I fell off the bridge, I was in a void, floating to nowhere." Loki began his story. "Until a mother ship came across me. The leader, The Mad Titan, Thanos, took me unto his ship. For a moment I thought he would help me, but instead he stripped me of my power, my dignity, my status, and he chained me up. He tortured me, forced me to endure the most unimaginable pain."

By this time, Sigyn was sitting up again, horror struck her face, her mouth hung open with shock as Loki continued,

"He used my weaknesses against me, he burned me, forced me to endure illusions—" he cut himself off at the memory. Tears filled his eyes, but he held them back. "I had to watch you die, Sigyn. Over and over and over again. I tried to resist and fight, but every attempt failed and I received the backlash tenfold."


"-He got into my head, played with my mind and scrambled my thoughts. I went weeks without substances, days without sleep. And when I got any sleep, it was nightmares of what I had to endure while I was awake. At first, I kept him out of my head, kept him from knowing about you, but until you started to reach out, he broke that wall, used you against me."

"I am so sorry." Sigyn could barely manage her words, it brought tears to her eyes. "Loki, I—"

"It's not your fault." Loki interrupted. "Thats why I kept you out, pushed you away so that he couldn't find the real you. To keep you safe meant bringing him the tesseract, he gave me that sceptre and the Chitauri, but with that sceptre he was able to listen to my every word, to make sure I stayed on mission. And now I've failed."

"No, Loki, No—"

"Why do you think I helped bring together the Avenger's?" Loki asked rhetorically. "Because I know he will come and when he does—"

"Loki, you are not longer in his grasp!" said Sigyn cupping his cheek and forced him to look at her. "As long as there is breath in me, no one will hurt you again."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Loki mumbled in reply, melting into her touch. "He will come, and when he does, he will come for me. I've failed, Sigyn. The tesseract was kept from him and I failed."

"And so the tesseract will be kept from him." Sigyn stated firmly. "As long as he doesn't have it, he has no power."

"You don't know what he's capable of." Loki states. "I still wake in cold sweats."

Sigyn sat up properly, "I know it was hard, what you had to endure... but thank you, for telling me." she leans down to place a gentle kiss on his lips. "But just know, no matter what happens, I will always love you and you will always have me." 

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