Four: Red Universe

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A feast is held in honour of the King of Vanaheim that night. All the palace lords and ladies and council were cordially invited to tonight's honoured feast. The top most fierce warriors are honoured to have been invited. They feast like Asgardians! Gouging in bottomless drinks and diving into platters of food. This is where Volstagg could be found with Thor, laughing and eating as they both shared their adventures of returning the realms to peace.

They joked that Vanaheim is drenched in green and nothing else.

Music thunders all night as the people engaged in casual dancing. Sigyn notes that this is a light party compared to what she has seen before. She could have imagined Queen Frigga telling her quests to be on their best behaviour as the King of Vanaheim is here. And she chuckled at this thought.

"What do you think, Princess?" a lord said to her.

"Hm?" she hummed. "Oh, I think it is a wonderful idea!" she replied. And the Lord smiled happily. Sigyn continues to laugh in small talk with the high lords and ladies of the court. Among them are some of the same lords who declared Loki was the one who killed Baldur and sentenced him, ruling that Odin should punish him for such a heinous crime.

Queen Frigga wondered over and interrupted their small talk. "Excuse me," she says, grabbing Sigyn's arms. "Might I steal away this young beauty?" she laughed with them. Sigyn laughs awkwardly and excused herself. She followed Queen Frigga away from them and thanked her for saving her from a boring conversation about old things.

"Oh. But it is these old things that keeps Asgard running."

"I'm afraid I have had enough lectures for one day to suit me for a lifetime."

"Oh dear." Frigga cocked a brow. "If it has to do with the idea of divorce then I forbid it." she declared and smiled at her. "What would I do without you here? I would get so bored and lonely among these old fools." this earned a cheeky smile from Sigyn. "And besides, who else would be there to love my son as much?"

"I am glad you agree. The very thought rips me apart."

Frigga turns to the table and picked up a full plate of food. "Then take this down to him." she asked. "Go and see him. Escape from this party, never mind your father, I will distract him until he is too drunk to notice."

Sigyn takes the plate into her hands. "I love you."

"Now go, child!" she shooed away the Princess, and shoved her out from the hall and sent her down the passageway.

With the plate of food secured in her hands, Sigyn travels down the palace. Her magnificent party dress trickling behind her. The silk of the deep blue fabric moulded in such a way it seemed as though it was carved from marble. The folds of the sleeves hanging from her shoulders. Such a beauty does not belong in the damp dungeons below Asgard. This caused such a stur with the prisoners as she passed them to get to his cell.

Loki is laying on his sofa with a book in hand. The only form of entertainment for him these days. He hears the commotion of the other prisoners, the shouting of profanity and whistling and howling. He rolled his eyes. Until she came into view. A dress so form fitting and blue that Loki threw down his book and rose to his feet in the presence of such a beautiful creature, he dare not lounge about.

In her hands is a plate of food.

"They are feasting up there." she gestured to the plate. "My father is visiting, you see." she told him.

"You look magnificent." he growled, approaching the barrier of his cell. "You seem as though you are enjoying the feast?"

"Really, I was not." she said. "That is why I stole away all the way down here." Sigyn commanded the guard at the entrance to come and deliver this food for Loki. "I was growing tired of the boring conversations."

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