Chapter 16: Escaping Asgard

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The Dark Elf Harrow burst through the walls of the palace. Thor flew the ship under arched bridges and weaved through buildings.

"Look, why don't you let me take over?" Loki suggested. "I'm clearly the better pilot."

"Is that right?" Thor says. "Well, out of the two us, which one can actually fly?"

"Both of you shut up and fly!" Sigyn scolded. Her heart pounded in her chest as Thor nearly flew into every building they passed.

The ship flew over head of a courtyard when suddenly, they began to be shot at. Thor guided the ship downwards, following the narrow valley river.

Suddenly, Jane's leg wobbled and gave way. Sigyn outstretched her arms quickly catching her head as she fell.

"Jane?" Sigyn gently laid her down concerned. "Are you alright?"

"Oh dear, is she dead?" Loki announced.

 "Oh shush!" Sigyn scolded

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"Oh shush!" Sigyn scolded.

"Jane!" Thor called worried.

"I'm okay." Jane murmured waving her hand. They continued to be shot at, the ship shook and rumbled with the impact. Thor and Loki stumbled where they stood, while Sigyn nearly toppled over Jane.

The ship flew over the sea and hit the top of a watch tower, destroying it.

"Not a word." Thor said while Loki glanced at him. Sigyn looked up at the projections to see several Skiffs flying after them.

"Loki." Sigyn gestured behind him, he turned to see the projections too.

"Now they're following us!" Loki announced to Thor. The ship continued to rumble and shake with each impact they took.

 "Now they're firing at us!"

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"Now they're firing at us!"

"Yeah, thank you for the commentary, Loki, it's not at all distracting!" Thor yelled growing frustrated.

The ship flew over another court as the people fled, the end of the ship dragged through the concrete and then towards a tunnel dug threw the mountain. The end of the ship destroying a statue of Bor.

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