Chapter 35: Mind Stone

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"Above you, Sig." Barton informed. Sigyn looked up to see the quinjet flying over head, she mustered up all her strength and launched herself into the air and easily boarded the ramp with grace full movement. She jogged up to the cockpit as the jet flew after the truck that was now flying.

"Okay, package is airborne." Clint announced. "I've got a clean shot."

"Negative." Natasha's voice says. "I am still in the truck."

"What the hell are you—"

"Just be ready, I'm sending the package to you."

"How do you want me to take it?" Clint replied.

"Uh, you might've wished you haven't asked that."

The quinjet lined up the truck with the ramp open, Sigyn waited at the top, watching Natasha cut the ropes inside.

"Nat, we gotta go!"

Natasha cut the last rope, planted a bomb and jumped onto the cradle as it began to slide out of the truck. The cradle flew threw the air until it landed inside the jet with the help of Sigyn who stopped the cradle, but Natasha was pulled from the jet.

"Natasha!" Sigyn called and ran to the edge. "I don't see her!"

"Cap, do you see Nat!?" Clint asked.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!"

"Do you have eyes on Nat!?" Cling asked again.


The ramp closed and the jet took off. "Damn it!" Clint cursed and hit the controls.

"We'll find her, Barton."


Sigyn and Barton both tried to pry open the cradle once it was back in Stark Tower. All attempts proving futile.

"Anything on Nat?" Bruce asked as Tony entered the lab.

"I haven't heard anything." he replied. "But she's alive, otherwise Ultron would be rubbing our faces in it."

With a loud snap, Sigyn's dagger snapped in the crevices. She hummed curiously examining the broken blade, "Odd."

"This is sealed tight." Barton jumps off the cradle.

"We're gonna need to access the program, break it down from within." Bruce says as he and Stark approach the cradle.

"Any chance Natasha might leave you a message outside the internet?" Stark asked turning to Barton. "Old school spy stuff?"

"There are some nets I can cast." Barton replied. "Yeah, I'll find her." and with that he jogged down the steps of the lab in a hurry.

Start looked at Sigyn apologetically, "Sorry, Breakfast Club, do you mind if you give us a minute to talk. Work this out."

Sigyn unhedged her broken blade from the cradle and looked up at Stark, "Whats to work out?"

"Cracking this thing open will take time." Stark informed. "I don't know how long, but help yourself to the party room below. Hang out for a while."

"As you wish." Sigyn says softly, throws the broken dagger onto a table with a clank and takes the steps down.

She entered into the gathering room which was left in ruins after a fight. "Heimdall, I know you can see me." she called out. "Help me see."

She closed her eyes for a moment and reopened them and she was standing in the observatory again. Her eyes changed into the striking gold of Heimdall's eyes.

"My Lady?" Heimdall asked.

"Where is Thor?" she asked.

"On his way." Heimdall replied.

"What is Stark really up to?"

"He plans to use the cradle for himself, upload another into it." Heimdall explains.


"Jarvis, he calls it." Heimdall says. "You must stop him before it's to late. The Mind Stone cannot be used in a poorly manner."

Sigyn nodded, and then suddenly, her shoulder was being shaken. "Sigyn?" another voice called.

Sigyn blinked several times, her golden eyes changing back to the blue. In front of her stood Steve, and a man and women.

"Who are they?"

"The two enhanced." Steve replied with urgency. "We need to stop Stark."

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