Chapter 36: Vision

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"Shut it down!" Steve ordered.

"Nope. Not gonna happen!" Stark replied.

"You don't know what you're doing." Steve says.

"And you do?" Banner retaliated and pointed to Wanda. "She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry." Wanda says with a thick Sokovian accent.

"Oh, we're way past that." Bruce growls. "I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

"Bruce, after everything that's happened!" Steve raised his voice. Sigyn wandered what she did that was so bad to piss off Bruce.

"It's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony yells over Steve.

Sigyn's heart nearly dropped. Does he know about...? Impossible. So instead she joined the argument,

"What do you think is coming, Stark?"

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda argued.

"This isn't a game!" Steve stated.

Then, Pietro, with lightning fast speed, ran around the cradle and disconnected the entire thing and broke up the argument.

"No, no. Go on." he says with an accent and throws down a cable. "You where saying?"

Without warning, a gunshot sounded and the glass from beneath Pietro's feet shattered and he fell through.

"Pietro!" Wanda screamed.

The machine's began to peep loudly. "I'm rerouting the upload!" Stark announced. Steve threw his shield which rebounded off the cradle and nearly hit Stark. Tony's Iron Man hand flew to his arm and he shot at Steve.

Sigyn skilfully side stepped as the shot blasted Steve backwards, to which she replied with her spear to Tony's throat as Bruce took a hold of Wanda.

"Go ahead. Piss me off."

Tony then knocked aside the blade and shot a blast of energy at Sigyn's stomach. It was enough to send her flying through a glass door. Steve ran towards Tony as his chest armour attached to himself, Steve jumped into the air and prepared to punch Tony but he was quick enough to blast Steve and himself in different directions.

Wanda sent a shock of red energy through her own chest and pushed Bruce's hold off her. She then turned around and shoved him back with energy.

Sigyn scrambled to her feet, she quickly pressed her foot down on Tony's armed hand and held her blade to his throat again.

"Stop this, Stark."

"I can't."

Without warning, Thor came flying in, he see's the cradle and jumps onto it capturing everyones attention. Thor holds his hammer above his head and summon's lightning.

"Wait!" Sigyn yelled over the roar of the lightning. She released her hold on Tony and went to throw her spear to stop Thor, but he directed the lighting at the cradle. The computer's warning flashed across the screen. 'Power overload'

It wasn't until Thor stopped and it went silent.

Suddenly, the cradle erupted and sent Thor flying into the ceiling and smashing the glass. A figure gracefully emerged from the cradle into a crouching position. Sigyn held her spear ready and inched closely to the figure cautiously.

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