Chapter 13: No More Illusions

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Loki approached the golden barrier, hearing his brother's footsteps. His cell was clean and his furniture back in order. Loki was in clean robes and his hair was once again styled back.

"Thor." Loki greeted. "After all this time and now you come to visit me?"

Thor steps ups to the barrier, still refusing to utter a word.

 "Why?" Loki growled leaning forward, his eyes glaring into Thor's

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"Why?" Loki growled leaning forward, his eyes glaring into Thor's. Still, he said nothing. "Have you come to gloat? To mock?"

 "Have you come to gloat? To mock?"

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"Loki, enough." Thor ordered. "No more illusions."

Loki's eyes widened for a split second, before closing with a sigh

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Loki's eyes widened for a split second, before closing with a sigh. The illusion faded with a green glow and Loki's true state was revealed. The cell was in a disarray. The furniture was broken, his books ripped apart, his robes where still gone and his hair was still dishevelled. His eyes still red and puffy.

Sigyn was right.

Loki was leaning against the wall, one leg tucker under the other where his foot was stained with the blood of the berries he stepped on. His state and the state of the cell had worsened since he told Sigyn to leave, before half the furniture was broken and is books where still intact. But now they weren't.

 "Now you see me, brother

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"Now you see me, brother." his voice nearly cracked. Thor walked around to the other barrier, closer to where Loki sat.

"Did she suffer?" Loki asked, hoping his brother would give him an answer when Sigyn couldn't.

"I did not come here to share our grief." Thor muttered.

"Where is Sigyn? I've been asking for her, but I doubt they even bothered to fetch her—"

"—I came here to offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament." Thor interrupted, uninterested in hearing what Loki had to say. He was still mad at him for the attack on New York and his 'death'.

Loki tilted his head interested, "Go on."

"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do." Thor explained. "You help me escape Asgard and I will grant it to you. Vengeance, and afterward, this cell."

Loki's eyes glanced around at the destruction he caused, before turning his gaze upon his brother and chuckled,

"You must be truely desperate to come to me for help." he laughs. "What makes you think you can trust me?"

"I don't." Thor spat. "Mother did, Sigyn does. But you should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exits to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you."

Slowly, a smirk crawled onto Loki's lips,

"Hmm." he hummed. "When do we start?" 

 "When do we start?" 

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