Chapter 29: Vanrir Wedding

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"In the eyes of Yggdrasil, and the All-Father of all Nine Realms, we come together in ceremony to ritually join man and women." Iwaldi's voice boomed across the marble throne room of Vanaheim where all of Vanaheim had gathered. He wore his best robes, with his crown adorned atop of his silver white hair.

 Atop the steps of the throne stood Vali dressed in ceremonial attire and his wife with a beautiful dress

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Atop the steps of the throne stood Vali dressed in ceremonial attire and his wife with a beautiful dress.

Sigyn took her place at the top of the steps with Thor, she wore the most beautiful dress she could fashion. It was a rose gold silk that hugged her curves and came to a flourish at her feet, the dress was off shoulder with one sleeve that slung over her shoulder and cascaded down her shoulder.

 It was a rose gold silk that hugged her curves and came to a flourish at her feet, the dress was off shoulder with one sleeve that slung over her shoulder and cascaded down her shoulder

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Freya too stood at Sigyn's side, also wearing her best dress, gold laced with a golden cascade of feathers, her crown too adorned her cherry blonde hair.

Freya too stood at Sigyn's side, also wearing her best dress, gold laced with a golden cascade of feathers, her crown too adorned her cherry blonde hair

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Ingrid's family took their rightful place opposite of them. Her father, her mother and her two sisters and a brother.

'Loki' disguised as Odin, stood at the bottom of the steps, a proud smile on his face.

"Let what the gods have joined, let none put asunder. Rise, and take your wife." Iwaldi holds out his hands in a praising format.

Vali turned to his wife lovingly, he cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. The entire hall erupted into cheers and whistles. Flower pedals where thrown and horns were blown.

Sigyn couldn't help the massive smile on her face. Vali pulled back from the kiss and then proceeded to race his wife down the steps and down the walkway with the people of Vanaheim following him outside.

That night, the entire village surrounding the palace was alive. The streets were filled with dancing people who laughed and drank as the children played. The hall of the Vanaheim was filled to the max as the wedding ceremony continued with the feast.

Thor was surrounded by the women, indulging in the foods they fed him and drinks. 

Sigyn sat at the long table with the rest of her family, 'Loki' who was still disguised, leaned down behind her to whisper in her ear,

"Tell him, his father couldn't be any prouder."

"I will." Sigyn replied.

"Give him this gift." he held out a satchel. "It's from Frigga."

Sigyn took the satchel and stood up to find Vali sitting around a fire with his friends and new wife.


Vali turned his head and stood up to great his mother, "Mother, meet my friends." he gestured to the warriors as they bowed in respect.

"You're father would be so proud." Sigyn says making Vali smile and look down at his feet shyly. "This is a gift from him, and Frigga."

Vali looked up to see the satchel his mother held out to him. He took the satchel hesitantly and opened it, he smiled down and reached in. Vali pulled out a golden necklace his brother once wore, it was a golden chain with the symbol of the World Tree.

Tears swelled in Vali's blue eyes, he looked up at his mother, it was almost like the wedding ceremony around them faded away and it was just them.

Sigyn swallowed the lump in her throat, she was unaware that was the gift.

"—Thank you." Vali says and slipped the necklace over his head. Sigyn rubbed Vali's shoulder comforting her son.

"And I'm glad my father is here." Vali says.

"You don't question why he is...?"

"No, he is the trickster. There is no questioning that." Vali smiled looking over at the long table to see the guard standing behind Sigyn's chair. "You and father were the ones who taught me magic, I can sense it's him. I'm glad he's alive and is here to see my wedding. And he makes a greater king than the real Odin. We can amend the relationship between prince and king."

Sigyn smiled and turned back to her son, "He wouldn't miss it for all the Nine Realms."

"So? What about Odin? I know he's done something."

Sigyn remained silent, she didn't know how to answer that.

"I take it you're queen of Asgard now?" Vali says in a hushed tone. 

Sigyn nodded, "Technically, seeing how your father is disguised as Odin."

"Is he dead?" Vali asked. "Odin?"


"I won't say anything. I despise my grandfather for what he forced me to do to my brother." Vali says. "If anything, my father would make a greater ruler."

"We'll just have to see about that." Sigyn says seeing her own father stand up from the long table. "For now, it's time to join your wife in bed."

From the long table, Iwaldi stood and with a thunder of his cane, the hall fell silent.

"Vali and Ingrid. With the witnesses of Vanaheim and Asgard. It's time we silenced the night and consummate your marriage."

The hall erupted into whistles as Vali took his wife's hand and led her towards the chambers of the palace.

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