Three: Princess of the People

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The tesseract now in the hands of Asgard is used to rebuild the parts of Asgard which had been left broken for some years. The Bifrost bridge is rebuilt using its power and seemingly the life is poured back into Asgard now with its gates open to the universe that surrounds it once more. Heimdall is stationed back at his post, watching over all of Asgard.

The armies of Asgard are able to leave the realm of the gods and into the other realms to bring peace and order back to the realms. During the years which Asgard's armies where not there to keep Odin's order, war and fighting had broken out among the realm's people. Other alien species trying to conquer and ravage the Nine Realms are being pushed back by Asgard's forces with Thor at their lead.

With Asgard coming back into her full reinstated power, it becomes known across the Nine Worlds that Asgard is meaning business. To the common people the news is that Thor is bringing peace in the name of the All-father. And Asgard's people have opened their hearths to the open trading markets once more.

Princess Sigyn is seen it the common streets of Asgard again. The people welcomed her warmly, happy to have their Princess back. With her she carried a basket and her maidens tending behind her. She stopped at a stand and paid for an assortment of groceries and necessities.

Young children bowed their heads and curtsied when they passed the Princess."Welcome back, Princess." a man with a strange accent tipped his hat to her. To a more poorer family, Princess Sigyn placed the basket on their doorstep and thanked the women of the house.

"No!" the women cried, taking the Princesses' hands. "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

The Princess and her maidens then stopped in a pub on the corner street to enjoy a refreshing glass of mead. The pub attracted quiet the crowd with the common folk trying to get a glimpse of the Princess; wondering if she really was back. Children trying to get a glimpse are shooed away by the barmaids claiming 'no children allowed'.

The people gathered. Some gasping in wonder and continuing on her way. Then some stragglers began to shout at the Princess demanding answers depending on Prince Loki's sentencing. "Don't listen to them." her maidens told the Princess.

"What really happened, Sigyn!?" they shouted. "We want the truth!"

"Did you fake Loki's death!?"

"Did you really try to conquer Midgard!?"

Seeing the Princess's uncomfortableness, "Shoo! Off with you lot!" the pub keeper smacked down a broom on the pavement to break up the crowd. "You lot are standin' on my property! Let the Princess drink in peace! Off with ya!" she whacked people as a way to ward them off. "I'll call the Einherjar!" she dusted the pavement violently at their feet. The people complained and backed off, cursing the barkeeper.

Sigyn giggled at this and continued to sip on her drink. Her basket full of trinkets now. When the bar keeper was satisfied the crowd was gone enough, she came over to their table and picked up the empty glass. "My condolences for Prince Loki, my Lady." she sorrowfully said, broom in one hand, glass in the other. "Don't listen' to those fools. No idea what er' saying!"

"Thank you."

"We're all shocked - and happy - to hear he returned alive after all!" she winked at the Princess.

"Do the people know why he is imprisoned?" she enquired the public knowledge.
"Again?" the bar keeper coughed, and corrected. "Aye, my Lady. Tried taking over Midgard. The poor fool." she shook her head and continued on with her job.

It just confirmed that all of Asgard knows.

The Princess finished her refreshing drink and went to continue on her way. She roamed the market streets, paying for baskets of food and then commanding her maidens hand them out to families in need. The Princess entertained children in delight to see their Princess, shocked to see her back and outside of the palace. "What are you doing here?"

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