Chapter 38: Protect The Core

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Sigyn threw herself into battle, joining Steve and Thor. She dodged energy blasts by ducking behind rubble before she rolled out and threw several daggers and shot down a few bots.

She see's Steve roll towards Thor, who then kicked up his shield for Thor to hit into a line of bots, destroying them. Sigyn spun her spear around skill fully, mowing down any bot that dared to attack her.

Without verbal communication, Sigyn ran towards Thor who then allowed her to jump onto his muscled armed from which then he propelled her into the air.

Sigyn came level with a series of bots and spun her spear around in a wide circle, cutting down the bots that surrounded her before gravity pulled her back down to the earth.

She landed lightly and tore apart another bot as Ultron flew past her and hit into Thor and flew off.

She and Steve continued to fight off the bots.

"We're all clear here." Clint informs.

"We're not clear here!" Steve replied as he continued to fight. "We are very not clear!"

"All right, coming to you."

A pack of bots ambushed Sigyn, all of them piled on top of her forcing her to the ground as they beat down on her. She grew angry and yelled, "Kom deg av!" and threw out her arms creating an energy field that blasted back the bots and destroying them. (Get off!)

Sigyn huffed effortlessly looking around, there seemed to be no more bots left, but the people where still struggling to find shelter.

"Sigyn." Steve ran past with Natasha herding people towards a building. She chased after them, helping pick up a women who was struggling to walk.

"I'm glad your okay, Natasha." Sigyn says to the red headed assassin.

"Thank you." she nods.

"Next waves gonna hit any minute." Steve informs, as Sigyn helped lower the woman to the ground inside a building with a group of others. "What'd you got, Stark?"

"Huh? Nothing great." Tony replied over the coms. "Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface, if you guys can get clear."

"I asked for a solution." Steve retorts as he exited the building. "Not an escape plan."

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second." Tony explains. "We're gonna have to make a choice."

"Cap, these people are going nowhere." Natasha informs standing next to Steve in the rubble. Sigyn joins their side. "If Stark finds a way to blow up this rock..."

"Not till' everyones safe." Steve says firmly.

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there." Natasha says. "Theres no math there."

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it." Steve retorts.

"I didn't say we should leave." Natasha says. Steve turned and gave her a troubled look. "There's worst ways to go." she looks out over the sky that the city floated in. "Where else am I gonna get a view like this."

"Asgard." Sigyn suggest breaking the moment. "Only, the view is better, you can see the stars and galaxies during the day."

Natasha chuckled at her optimism. It wasn't until a familiar voice spoke in their ears that said,

"I'm glad you ladies like the view." Fury's voice says. "It's about to get better."

From the clouds, the helicarrier emerged floating at a level state with the rising city. "Nice, right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of friends. She's dusty but she'll do."

"Mothballs?" Sigyn repeated confused. Natasha just shook her head and waved her off.

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Steve couldn't help the smile on his face.

"Ooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Sigyn chuckled and gave her spear a twirl in her hand, the last time she was on a helicarrier it was dropping out of the sky as she made an escape with Loki. She watched as lifeboats exited the flying fortress and flew towards the city to evacuate the people.

With super speed, Pietro appears before the three, "Is this SHIELD?"

"This is what SHIELD is suppose to be." Steve replied.

"Dis' is not so bad." Pietro chuckled.

"Lets load em' up!" Steve ordered.

Sigyn spun on her heel and ran towards the building filled with people, her spear dematerialises as she ran inside, "Everybody onto the floating boats!" she commanded. "Now! Go!"

The people quickly scrambled up, helping each other and jogged outside towards the boats that connected itself to the edge of the city.

"Thor! I got a plan!" Tony informed.

"Were running out of time!" Thor replies. "They're coming for the core!"

"Rhodes, get the rest of the people on those carriers." Tony ordered.

"On it!"

"Avengers, time to work for a living!"

Sigyn turned away from the fleeing people, and with speed she ran towards the centre of the city, running into a bot every now and then.

She ran towards the church at the centre of the city, where bots tried to get to the core. Sigyn flipped over rubble and rammed her spear into a bot, she joined Thor, Tony, Vision and Pietro who fought off the bots to protect the core, until no more came.

Clint and Wanda then came walking in. Followed by Steve.

"You good?" Pietro appeared in front of his sister.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Romanoff." Tony called. "You and Banner better not be playing 'hide the zucchini'."

"Relax, shell head." Natasha replied. "Not all of us can fly." 

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