Chapter 37: Sokovia

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"Ultron knows we're coming." Steve explains. "Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. And thats what we signed up for."

The Avengers, including the three knew recruits, were aboard a quinjet, flying towards Sokovia.

"But the people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace and thats not gonna happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done, we find out what Ultron's been building, we find Romanoff, and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us."

Steve paused for a moment. Sigyn looked up from the table she was leaning on as he continued,

"Ultron thinks we're monsters. Thats what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

"Then we prove him wrong." Sigyn says softly. Tony and Steve both turn to look at the Asgardian. "We prove the world wrong."

"We're coming up on the city now." Clint announces. He lands the quinjet in an empty part and the Avengers pilled out, all knowing their role.

Evacuate the city.

Sigyn strolls into the streets, spear in hand, walking with murder written on her face. She broke away from the group and turned into a street where people shopped and walked.

"Everybody evacuate!" she yelled. The people jumped with surprised as the strange women walked down the street pushing the frightened people to scatter out of her way. "You are under attack! You need to leave!"

The people gathered their children and families and backed away.

"Leave the city now!" she yelled again and banged her spear into the ground, creating a thundering boom. The people started to obey and run in the direction away from the city.

"Go!" she encouraged more people as she continued to walk the streets, guiding them away. "Take others with you!"

She came to an intersection where police were herding the people across the bridges, she jumped on top of a car, watching as the people fled.

Suddenly, the ground broke and a bot emerged from the ground. The people screamed and scattered. More and more began to emerge, climbing over walls and out of the river streams, they flew through the air dropping missiles as the people ran for their lives.

"Steve!?" Sigyn called into her earpiece. "Are you seeing this?"

"Destroy them!" he yelled back in mid fight.

Sigyn threw her spear straight threw a bot that was about to attack a person. The spear flew back to Sigyn's hand and she jumped from the car and ran towards another bot. She slid to her knee's to evade it's attack, she came back to her feet and sliced the bot in half.

She threw her spear into a bot flying through the air and brought it down, again and again, she brought down bots.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake beneath her feet. The ground behind her feet cracked. Sigyn watched as the crack grew and stretched through the streets. Either her eyes deceived her or the city in front of her was lowering. Buildings began to collapse as the edges broke away.

Sigyn threw her spear under her arm and stabbed a bot behind her, she pulled it forwards again.

A women slipped as the edge broke away again and nearly tumbled over the side. Sigyn quickly ran forward and pulled the women away from the edge, "Go!" Sigyn pushed her away looking over the edge. The city was rising.

"By the Norns." she murmured. The ground continued to rumble under her feet as the buildings collapsed.

It wasn't until a voice spoke in the sky,

"Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword, and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal."

Sigyn leans back to avoid an energy blast from a bot. She skilfully spins and throws her spear through several bots before it returned to her hand.

"Cap, you got incoming!" Tony warned.

".... Incoming already came in." Steve groaned. "Stark, you worry about getting the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job, tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt them back, you get killed.... walk it off."

Sigyn rolled her eyes as she repelled another energy shot back at the bot and then turning to slice threw another. Sigyn heard a scream and turned to see a bot terrorising a family. She ran towards it, jumped off a car and rammed her spear into the bot and tore it apart.

"Go!" Sigyn ordered. The family scrambled to their feet and ran.

"Sig!" Steve called. "Could use a little help!"

"On my way!" Sigyn replied. She scrambled to her feet and began to run, "Where are you!?"

"On the bridge— Agh!" Steve yelled as he attempted to stop a car from falling with a person inside. "I got you!"

Sigyn followed the edge of the rising city, smashing down bots and saving people from falling.

Pietro then decided to help, speed running and keeping all the people away from the edge. Pietro then came to a stop, huffing and puffing and short of breath. He took cover behind a car as a bot shot at him.

"Argh!" Sigyn cried and jumped over Pietro and the car and threw her spear at the bot and the spear returned to her hand. She jumped back down and kneeled beside Pietro.

"Are you alright?" she asked the boy.

"Not to bad." he replied, his accent thick, but still short of breath.

"Allow me." Sigyn placed hand on his upper arm. Pietro looked down at her hand confused, but slowly, his strength returned to him and he felt like he could circle the world twice. Pietro looked back up at the Asgardian who smiled kindly.

She quickly broke away and ran back into action. Sigyn came to a plaza where a bridge Steve had described was.

"Im here!"

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