Chapter 20: The Skies Shall Mourn

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Sigyn rushed around looking for any trace of where Jane could have possibly gone, but the winds constantly changing the sand didn't help the situation any further.


Sigyn rounded the rock to see Jane jogging towards Thor where the creature senselessly beat Thor into the ground. "Oh no..." Sigyn cursed and took off in a sprint after Jane before she got herself hurt.

"Jane, wait!" Sigyn was quickly gaining up to Jane. It wasn't until a sharp piece of shrapnel pierced the creature from behind.

The creature turned to see Loki standing behind him, he grabbed his arms and pulled him forward onto the metal sticking out of his body

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The creature turned to see Loki standing behind him, he grabbed his arms and pulled him forward onto the metal sticking out of his body. Loki grimaced as the metal pierced his own body.

 Loki grimaced as the metal pierced his own body

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"No!" Thor screamed.

"Loki!" Sigyn's scream travelled from afar. The creature then tossed Loki backwards, he landed a few feet away on his back, the creature stalked towards Loki who tried to keep pressure over his wounds that heavily bleed.

"See you in hel, monster." Loki spat at the creature that towered over him. Sigyn then quickly skitted to Loki's side, holding her spear out and using her own body as a shield over Loki's. She was ready to strike the creature down until the grenade at his side lit up. The creature scurried to pull off the device but he was too slow.

The device exploded, pulling the creatures body in on itself as it screamed in agony while his body caved in until it finally finished with a bang. Loki and Sigyn watched as the creature disappeared into thin air, Sigyn's body was almost paralysed for a second, before she turned to Loki and set her spear down.

"Ah..." her heart sprung into action as panic set in. "No, no, no. This wasn't apart of the plan!" she held her hand over his wound, putting pressure on the blood that leaked through her fingers.

Thor quickly jogged to the other side of Loki and hoisted Loki's head up who struggled to breath.

Thor quickly jogged to the other side of Loki and hoisted Loki's head up who struggled to breath

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"No. no, no. no." Thor's voice shook. "Oh, you fool, you didn't listen."

"I know..." Loki breathed. "I'm a fool, I'm a fool."

"Loki, stay with me, okay?" Sigyn soothed as her other hand summoned her satchel, and she began to rummage through it. "Ah!" she cried out as tears swelled in her eyes, blurring her vision from finding what she needed to heal him.

"I'm sorry." Loki said. "I'm sorry— Sig."

Sigyn turned her attention back to Loki while she continued to push down on his wound, he held out his hand and she quickly pulled her free hand from the satchel to take his hand. His hand held a tight grip around her's, while his other hand pushed down on her other hand over his wound.

"It's okay." Thor soothed his brother's staggered breath. "It's all right."

Loki's green eyes flickered from his brother's to his wife's, his breathing began to slow.

"I'll tell father what you did here today." Thor says nodding, trying to keep back his tears.

Loki looks up at his brother, slightly shaking his head, "I didn't do it for him." Loki's eyes turn back to Sigyn's.


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"No... Loki, please don't." a single tear fell from her eye. "Stay with me, you're going to be alright."

Loki's eyes fluttered shut and his skin turned dark. "No!" Thor yelled out. "No!"

Sigyn's hand released the pressure on Loki's chest as his hand around her's fell limp. Thor gently laid Loki's head back down as he looked up at Jane. Sigyn took in a deep breath, this was not the time to mourn.

It was as though the skies felt their pain, the winds picked up and a storm cloud brewed nearby, pulling in the dust around it.

"We have to go." Thor mumbled.

"You go and take her somewhere safe. I'll bring him back." Sigyn says.

"Are you sure?" Thor asked.

Sigyn nodded, and without another word, Thor stood up and took Jane at his side. Thor looks back one last time at Sigyn. He worried for her in this storm, but she still refused to leave Loki's side. So he turned and continued his trek to find someplace safe. 

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