Chapter 26: On The Hunt

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Sigvard emerged from a portal in the middle of a busy New York Street, the cars screeched to a holt and beeped their horns. Other cars smashed into each other and the people screamed with fright.

Sigvard turned to the machine's, anger struck his face and filled his chest. He lashed out and kicked the front end of the car inwards without breaking a sweat, the force of the kick sent the car sliding back into other cars.

People screamed and scattered away. Sigvard laughed and revelled in the moment, a glow enveloped his body and his ceremonial robes appeared back as they once wear, clean and proper.

"I AM SIGVARD, RIGHTFUL KING OF VANAHEIM!" he yelled out at the top of his lungs. "BOW BEFORE ME!"


"He's on Midgard!" Sigyn cursed loudly as she headed for the observatory in a fury and clad in full armour. "I should have known!"

Heimdall watched as she marched into the observatory, "He's causing havoc."

"Are there any allies you can send me to?" Sigyn asked. "Any who are hunting him."

"Yes." Heimdall replied and inserted his sword into the mantle, electricity erupted from his sword and awakened the observatory. The room began to rumble and spin and the turret moved into place and shot a beam of bifrost energy.

"Good hunting."

Sigyn was sucked unto the maelstrom, and was shot threw space. The bifrost ripped open a hole into the sky and hit the ground of an open field in Midgard.

The people standing around, watched with awe, and as quick as it had come, it was gone. Only a figure was left standing in it's place where Bifrost markings were left.

"Identify yourself!" A female voice shouted at the strange being.

Sigyn turned towards several cars and a plane where a group stood, "I am Sigyn of Asgard!"

"Another one?!" a male said surprised hiding behind a car door.

"She's a friendly!" Coulson announced and emerged from hiding. He put his gun back into it's holster, "Skye, put down your gun!"

"But—!?" she protested.

"Do it!"

Sigyn was fast approaching, anger and surprise evident on her face. "Son of Coul?" she stood face to face with him. "What dark magic is this? I thought you perished by Loki's hand."

"I did." Coulson greeted. "But I was brought back. Don't ask how."

"I'm gladdened to see your alive." Sigyn greeted with a smile. "I see why Heimdall sent me here."

"I can only guess why you've come?" 

"I'm here to collect my nuisance of a brother." Sigyn spat with resentment. "He escaped Asgard's dungeons while we were attacked by a force of Dark Elves, attacked me and is now on the run."

"Oh, yea. I've noticed you've had a few escape artists."

"Lorelei?" Sigyn says. "And now Sigvard. Both stupid enough to use Loki's secret pathways to escape Asgard."

"He's claiming to be king of Vanaheim." Coulson explains.

"Oh is he now!?" Sigyn laughed amused. "He no longer has a right to rule... not after his crimes."

"Can I ask what he did that was so bad?"

Sigyn remained silent, reluctant to share that information, "All I have been instructed to do is to hunt down that bastard and bring him back to Asgard. I may need your help."

"Anything you need." Coulson turns and gestured for her to walk with him. "I've assembled only the best team. This is Skye."

"Hi." The young girl greeted. "I've heard a lot about you from Coulson."

"I'm sure he's told you of our adventures."

"He has." Skye chuckled. Together the three walked onto the cargo plane towards a lab where a female and male stood excitedly.

"Hi, wow!" the male greeted, unable to take his eyes off the beautiful women. "You're a norse deity— I'm Fitz."

"I'm Simmins." the girl greeted, eyeing Fitz. "We've met Lady Sif before, but you're, wow."

"Thank you." Sigyn nodded in acknowledgement.

"So you're really a Princess of Asgard?" Fitz asks interested.

"Queen." Sigyn corrected and approached the hologram table.

"When did that happen?" Coulson crossed his arms.

Sigyn then realised what she said, and stumbled over her words, "Uh, I mean. I'm just acting queen. Not actually queen, that would be absurd." she laughed nervously and activated the hologram table.

"Oh you use it like this—" Fit'z went to demonstrate, but Sigyn was already ahead.

"I know how it works, young one. We have similar technology on Asgard." she says researching their files for anything on Sigvard.

Fitz, Simmins, and Skye turn to look at Coulson who shrugged with a knowing smile.

"So you say this Sigvard..." Skye asks curiously. "He Is your brother?"

"Unfortunately..." Sigyn dropped her hands. "But I no longer consider him a brother."

Skye furrowed her eyebrows confused, "Why? What has he done?"

"Do not ask questions you do not wish to know the answer to." Sigyn replied and continued her search.

"I'm sorry, I just thought the more we know, the better." Skye says. "It's how we work."

"If you wish to know." Sigyn replied. "He was greedy, cruel, and merciless. He thought himself above his own people, greediness to be king corrupted his mind. He sought to frame my husband for a murder he did no commit, killed my sister's lover, and as for my husbands 'punishment'—" Sigyn cut her sentence short. "-Once I find Sigvard, I will tear his wretched head from his miserable shoulders."

"Well, this is what we have." Skye took command of the table and pulled up Sigvard's last spotted location. "He's making no attempt to hide."  



If you have seen Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D you will understand who these characters are. If you haven't I highly recommend you do, or at least search the characters.

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