Chapter 39: Defeat Ultron

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The Avengers stood in a protective circle around the core, defeating any bot that dared to attack.

Sigyn easily sliced her blades through the bots as Natasha finally joined the circle, shortly followed by the Hulk who came in smashing the bots.

"So whats the drill?" Natasha asked Tony.

"Thats the drill." he pointed the core. "If Ultron gets his hands on that, we lose."

Ultron then flew down, hovering outside the church.

"Is that the best you can do?" Thor yelled trying to intimidate the machine.

Ultron raised his hand and summoned an army of the bots, they climbed out from buildings and swarmed the street. Sigyn sighed heavily as she watched the endless waves of the bots roll in. Leave it to Thor.

"You had to entice him?" she asked sarcastically.

"This is the best I can do." Ultron announces. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you. Against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said..." Tony says referring to Steve. "Together."

Hulk let out a deafening roar as the bots all charged. Sigyn stood in a defensive position, her feet apart and her spear in her hands. The bots flooded the church as the Avengers fought back, all holding their own and helping.

Sigyn skilfully cut her way threw the bots, spinning and twirling her weapon with speed and velocity and swiftness. She posed down any bot that dared to attack.

Natasha shot endlessly at the bots while fighting off with pure skill. Tony flew around shooting at the bots. Hulk smashed, Wanda tore them apart with her red magic and Pietro ran with the quickness of light and tore them apart. Clint shot endless arrows and Vision ripped them apart. Thor and Steve both smashed and destroyed.

Together they fought against Ultron's bots. Until Ultron himself came in to attack once he grew annoyed. He slammed head on with Vision in the air, fighting him and threw him into the wall and Vision used the power of the Mind Stone to create a beam that shot back Ultron.

Sigyn killed off the last of the bots. Thor and Tony joined Vision, all three shooting lighting and energy beams at Ultron until they deemed Ultron had enough.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight—"

Ultron was cut short by Hulk slamming into him and sending him flying into the sky. He turned to the group of bots who then turned tail and ran. Hulk roared and ran after them.

"Their trying to leave the city!" Thor announced.

"We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey." Tony says.

"We gotta move out, even I can tell the air is getting thin." Steve announced. "You guys get to the boats," he gestured his head to Clint and Natasha. "Sigyn and I will sweep for stragglers. Be right behind you."

"What about the core?" Sigyn asked.

"I'll protect it." Wanda announced. Clint turned a wary eye to Wanda to which she replied, "It's my job."

All four nodded in response and broke ways, Steve and Sigyn in one direction and Clint and Natasha in the other.

Sigyn jogged lightly beside Steve, looking out for civilians. They cleared the streets, girding people towards the boats. Sigyn see's a mother and a child struggling, she runs over to them, "Are you alright?" she asks.

"I can barely walk." the women says with a thick accent. "My daughter..."

"Come now." Sigyn allows the women to put down her child as she slung her arm over her shoulder and helped her walk towards the boat. She seated the mother and the child and went to turn away but her wrist was caught.

"Thank you." the women says. Sigyn smiled kindly and nodded and jogged back onto the city grounds, guiding people onto the boat. She see's Thor and Steve and walks over to them.

"Thor, I'm gonna need you back at the church." Tony says over the coms.

"Is this the last of them?" Thor asked.

"Thats everyone?" Sigyn says unsure.

"Yeah." Steve replied. "Everyone else is on the carrier."

"You know, this works, we maybe don't walk away." Tony informs.

"Maybe not." Thor replied looking down at Sigyn. Suddenly from above, bullets rained down on them, Sigyn quickly threw herself out of the way as the line of bullets hit the ground around her.

She rolled to her stomach, shaking the rubble from her hair. She pulls herself to her feet and watched as a quinjet flew away. Thor swings his hammer and lifts off into the air in the direction of the church. Steve jogged over to Clint, where a body laid.

They stand for a moment before Steve picked up the body and Clint picked up a child and they walked towards the boat. Sigyn watched as Steve passed with Pietro's body in his arms.

Her heart rung itself. She could only imagine the pain Wanda would feel once she found out.

Sigyn looked over the city again, giving it a once over before turning to follow Steve onto the boat.

Clint returned the child to his crying mother, and Steve laid down Pietro's body. Sigyn turned back to the edge of the boat ramp where Steve stood on the ground just before it.

Suddenly, the city fell. 

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