Chapter 7: Midgardian

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Sigyn woke to several bangs against her door. She sighed heavily knowing it was Thor.

She sighed and sat up, throwing the silk sheets aside and pulling a rob around her body, and straightened out her hair. Her bare feet padded across the cold floor and pulled open the door to see Thor standing with Jane.

"Good morning!" Thor says almost too happy with his big goofy grin.

"How did your father take it?" she asked stepping aside to allow them in.

"Better than expected."

"My father didn't see her, did he?"


Jane's mouth fell open at the massive room. "Whoah."  she looked around at the lounging area with a dormant fireplace, several book shelves filled with magic and some of Loki's favourite books, the massive golden boat shaped bed quipped with a canopy and the arched doorway that led to a massive bath house. And not to forget the balcony doors on either side of the bed.

"He tried to kick her out didn't he?" Sigyn closed the door behind them.

"At first— but we discovered what was wrong."

Sigyn steps down the steps approaching the lounge area, "And?"

"Something called the Aether is inside her."

"—Impossible!" Sigyn spun around so fast she nearly tripped over her own feet. "I though it was destroyed?"

"So we thought. King Bor hid it away."

"How did a mortal find it?" Sigyn poured a glass of water and held it out for Jane.

"Thank you." she gladly accepts the chalice.

"The blur between the—"

"—Convergence?" Sigyn sighed, "I could feel it approaching."

"You live in here?" Jane finally announced.


"No offence, Thor, but this room is cooler than yours."

"Loki too lives in here."

Jane's mouth closed, "I'm sorry? Loki... I thought... wasn't he the one who destroyed New York?"

"He did. And he is my husband and he is currently below the palace in the dungeons." Sigyn says bluntly.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." Jane blinks in surprise. "—He's your husband?"

"It would seem Thor has failed to tell you of his family history."

Jane spun around to face Thor surprised who was lost for words. Sigyn laughed and linked her arm with Jane's and guided her towards the other side of the room,
"As promised, let's do something about those clothes." Sigyn approached the wall and pushed open a hidden door to reveal rows of dresses and armour and the pedestal where Loki's helmet currently resided.


Sigyn laughed and pulled out a simple cream dress with a blue shawl. "Put these on, you may come back and chose any dress you'd like."

"Thank you." Jane takes the dress from Sigyn who then leans down to the floor and pulled out sandals for Jane to wear.

Sigyn left the room to allow Jane to change. She approached Thor who was lounged across the couches, indulging himself with an apple. Sigyn sat on the adjacent couch with her legs crossed.

"How is Loki?" Thor asked quietly.

"As comfortable as he can be." Sigyn replied. "But I would much rather he be here."

Thor nods, but doesn't reply.

"Um... can I get a little help?" Jane's voice says shyly. Sigyn smiled and stood up,

"Of course."

Sigyn approached Jane who was holding the dress around herself. She rounded to her her back and help tie up the dress. "It suits you well." She dropped the blue shawl around Jane's shoulders.

"Thank you."

"Now, no women is ever caught dead in the streets of Asgard without jewellery." Sigyn slides open a draw containing the most beautiful necklaces, bracelets and earrings and headpieces.


Sigyn picked out a thick bangle, and a simple necklace for Jane. "Thank you." Jane slips on the bangle as Sigyn clips on the necklace and then straightens out her hair.

"You fit right in." she says softly.

"Thats good, right?" Jane replies with the same tone, looking into Sigyn's kind blue eyes. She smiles, "As the possible future sister-in-law, I would say so."


"Thor doesn't stop speaking of you." Sigyn looks over Jane's shoulder at Thor who was trailing along the bookshelves, intrigued by the ancient books. Jane follows her gaze.

"And as the future Queen of Asgard—"

Jane's head snapped back towards Sigyn who was smiling warmly, "One must know how to lead her people."

"Oh no, thats not me..." Jane tucked a strand of hair behind her ear shyly. "If anything, you'd make a great queen."

Sign hummed with delight, before sighing. "Yes... but I doubt that would ever happen." 

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