Chapter 23: Escapee

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Later that night, Sigyn entered her chambers and kicked off her shoes at the bottom of the steps. She pulled off her shawl and tossed it onto the armchair, she then suddenly stopped feeling something was... off.

She turned towards the fireplace where the fire was crackling, as the maids had been instructed earlier to do. But there was something else she couldn't quiet put her finger on. Sigyn cautiously approached the lounging area and looking around carefully, seeing that the wine was open and a drinking horn was carelessly tossed onto the table instead of it's stand. Her gaze turned upwards, above the fireplace mantle, a dagger from Loki's collection was missing.

A blade was then put to her throat, but she remained unfazed by the cold metal against her throat.

"Hello, dear sister." A sinister voice snarled in her ear.

"Brother." Sigyn greeted calmly. Her heart however pounded in her chest. A thought struck her, why didn't she sense it was him?

"Bravo." Sigvard says. "It only took you a moment to notice something wasn't right."

"How did you get out?" Sigyn asked. Her blood began to boil with every word he spoke.

"The Dark Elf attack of course." Sigvard replied with a matter-of-fact tone. "Being locked so deep in the dungeons for such a long time, you tend to be forgotten about. And once the defence system went down, I was free'd of my imprisonment."

"The All-Father will know I've gone missing, as have you."

"Ah, but Odin isn't Odin." Sigvard whispered, leaning closer to Sigyn's ear. "Is he?"

Sigyn remained silent. This only made Sigvard chuckle and press the blade further into her skin, but not enough to draw blood, yet.

"Oh, dear sister." Sigvard sighed heavily, his breath sending chills up Sigyn's spine. "Is this how far you've fallen? That you're willing to allow Loki to take the throne just so you can be queen—?"

Sigyn had enough of his nonsense. She spun around with such speed and velocity, Sigvard had no time to defend himself. One of Sigyn's daggers appeared in her hand, she thrusted the dagger outwards forcing Sigvard to lean back and nearly stumble over his own feet.

Sigvard regained his balance, and took cautious steps back as Sigyn followed his movements holding out her dagger defensively. Sigvard chuckled with delight, "My, you've changed!"

 Sigvard chuckled with delight, "My, you've changed!"

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"As have you." Sigyn replied. Sigvard's white hair was tussled, unbrushed and knotted. His clothes nothing more than rages of what was his once great ceremonial wear. His skin dirty and bruised and his feet shoeless.

"Why have you come here?" Sigyn asked.

"I just wanted to see my sister again—"

"Do not woe me!" Sigyn snapped, the dagger in her hand changed into her spear. "Apologising for what you did will not work!"

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