Chapter 11: Treason

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They had been there all night, laying on the bed embracing each other. Both Loki and Sigyn laid awake most of the night, barely able to get any sleep. So when they woke again it was late into the day, but they lay still, unable to say words. Just drowning in their thoughts and sorrow.

Loki laid with his face burrowed in Sigyn's chest, while her fingers gently massaged his head. Silently comforting him. His arms were wrapped tightly around her figure and her night gown acted as a light blanket for their intertwined legs.

"Did she suffer?" Loki's spoke for the first time since last night, his voice was hoarse from crying.

"Im..." Sigyn's voice was barely a whisper against his hair, "...Not sure, my love."

"I told that creature where to go—" his cool breath panned across Sigyn's chest, sending chills up her spine. "I had no idea he would find her chambers."

"Loki!" she gently scolded and turned him over onto his back. "It is not your fault!"

"It feels like it— only if I wasn't in this god forsaken cell, I could have protected her!" he yelled into the ceiling.

Sigyn propped herself up on her elbow, her hair cascading over her shoulder, forming a curtain. Her hand caressed his cheek, whipping away the rogue tear that trailed down his cheek.

"All you need to know, is that she died honourably. She rest's peacefully in Valhalla with our son."

Loki's pale green eyes trailed up to meet her striking blue eyes. He took her hand in his and kissed her palm, holding her hand to his lips for the longest time. He closed his eyes taking in a deep breath, taking in her scent and the warmth she brought him.

"What time of the day is it?" Loki mumbled against her palm.

"Midday?" Sigyn guessed.

"Hm." he mumbled. "You should go bathe, I want to be alone for a moment."

"Are you sure?" her thumb traced his dry lips. He nodded, his eyes peering up at his wife tiredly and mentally exhausted.


Sigyn nodded before saying, "Call me when you need me." She leaned down to gently peck his lips before throwing her legs over his chest to straddle him for a moment to get to the other side of the bed. She stood and a traditional blue dress with a shawl appeared around her body in a soft glow.


Sigyn sat alone in the bath, the wide open wall adorned with vines and flowers and a tree that loomed over the golden balcony and casted a shadow inside the bath house. She dipped her head back into the warm water, washing her blonde white hair of the dirt and grime of yesterdays events.

She cupped water in her hands before washing her face. She worried greatly about Loki, she didn't feel good about leaving him alone down in the dungeons by himself, but he wanted to be alone.

She leaned against the back of the bath, the water sitting above her breasts. Then there was a light knock at the doors.

"Identify yourself!" Sigyn called out, not caring to turn to face the doors.

"Heimdall, Milady." Heimdall's soft velvet voice announced.

Sigyn turned her head surprised to see Heimdall peeking through the door, his eyes averted. She smiled kindly,

"You may enter, old friend. There is nothing to see."

"Thank you." he entered into the bath house.

"Are you not supposed to man the bifrost?" Sigyn asked curiously seeing he had no sword and no helmet.

"By the All-Father's command, the bifrost is to remain closed." Heimdall replied circling that bath to face Sigyn.

"Understandable, we face an enemy we cannot see." Sigyn watches as Heimdall steps up to the balcony peering out, before turning to face her again.

"I have come on behalf of Thor." he explains. "He wishes to uphold a meeting in the Golden Bor tonight."

"Concerning what?"

"I do not know, but he wishes to share his plan with Fandral, Hogun, and the Lady Sif and as well as yourself and I."

"What is he planning now." Sigyn sighed heavily lifting a hand out of the water to brush back the water trickling down her forehead.

"He urges you attend and find out."

"Tonight you say?"

Heimdall nodded, "In the late hours once the streets are silent, we will be committing treason of some sort—"

"Treason?" Sigyn interrupted. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Conceal yourself princess, this meeting is isolated." 

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