Five: Jane Foster

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BANG. BANG. BANG. It was like a dream at first. BANG BANG BANG. And then it happened again. Her eyes pulled open realising someone is at her door. It was not her maidens. They never knocked that hard. They knocked on her door furiously and Sigyn sits up in bed. The morning sun is barely beginning to show over he horizon.

"Sigyn!" the voice of Thor shouts.

Sigyn quickly got out of bed and fashioned a robe around her body. She rushed over and opened her chamber doors. "What are you doing at these hours, Thor!?" she cursed him. It was still so early.

He stands at the door dishevelled. "I need your help. It is urgent!" he said. She looked at him in his full armour and questioned his attire.

The annoyance fell from her face and turned into concern. "What has happened? Is something wrong?"

"Well, it is difficult to explain." he said. "Might we come in?"

Her brows came together. "We? Thor, what is happening?"

Thor stepped to the side and a small timid woman revealed herself from the left of the door. She smiled awkwardly and gave the Princess a small hand wave. "Hello." greeted Jane Foster. "It's a pleasure to see you again!" She was very nervous in front of the Princess and being surrounded by a grand golden palace in a world that is not her own.

"By Odin's beard." Sigyn's eyes blew wide as she threw open the door and glared at Thor. "Do you realise what you have done!?" she ushered them to come inside quickly. "No mortal has ever come to Asgard unless they were dead! You have just disobeyed ten laws, Thor."

"It is far beyond that, Sigyn, you must listen. She needs our help."

Sigyn looked from Thor to the brunette woman who stands out in her timid Midgardian clothing. "Is that why Heimdall looked... is that why you left Asgard at the feast?"

"Yes." pleaded Thor. "Jane is not well. She is ill. Can you help her?"

"So you brought her to me? They have doctors on Midgard. Or better, our healers."

Jane just smiled between the bickering gods.

"Yes, I know. This is far beyond mortal doctors and I needed your word to back me up before I revealed her to my father or the healers here. They won't accept her unless you do." Thor explained.

Sigyn looked at Jane Foster again. She seemed fascinated by everything here. Eyes full of wonder. But she was lost and confused and just following Thor around, entranced by his godliness. "If my father see's her, Thor..."

"You're father?" Jane Foster inquired.

"He is visiting from Vanaheim."


"One of the Nine Realms. Did you teach her nothing?"

Thor clapped his hands together. "We will discuss this later, please, will you see to her?"

Sigyn sighed and gave in. She motioned her hand and turned on her heel. Jane excitedly looked at Thor as she followed the white haired goddess across the hall into what seemed like a bathing room. "I do apologies for just busting in here like this." Jane followed the Princess. "I know your just in your gown." she gestured frantically. "But thank you. Thor says I need help and you were the first person he thought of."

"I am flattered."

"But really, it is so good to see you again since last time you suddenly appeared on Earth, remember?" Jane Foster gazed around at the arched ceiling and the columns that surround a large tub that was open to giant doors where sheer curtains held still with the early morning. It was only a soft orange hue that began to break the black night sky away. 

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