Chapter 21: Our Ticket Home

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Sigyn stayed at Loki's side as the sand storm began to whip around her, she looked around, Thor and Jane was nowhere in sight. She looked back down at Loki when she placed her hand over his chest, a golden light illuminated around her hand and with a green mist, Loki's body faded away.

She stood up taking her spear into her hands, "Loki!" she called out, tapping her foot impatiently. Her cape and hair began to whip violently in the dust storm, the dust hitting her face like hundreds of tiny bullets.

"And I thought I would find you weeping for me." Loki emerged from behind the ruins of a ship.

"Oh, please." Sigyn rolled her eyes and approached Loki, taking cover inside the ruins of the ship. "If I have to watch you die one more time, I'll kill you personally."

"Yes, I love you too, dear."

Loki and Sigyn sat on broken pieces of equipment, her spear dematerialised as she said, "And how do you suggest we get off this planet?"

"We wait." Loki replied with a sly smirk.

"For what exactly?"

"For Odin to sent his scouts." Loki explains. "And then we'll make our way home."

The storm outside continued to grow more vicious as it hounded the outside of the ship Loki and Sigyn took refuge in. Both huddled into each other's side, waiting out the storm. Sigyn's eyes slowly closed as she drifted to sleep into Loki's arms.


"Sig." Loki's voice softly whispered. She hummed as she opened her eyes to see they were still inside the ship.

"The storms over." Loki says as Sigyn sat up. "They'll be coming soon."

From over head, they could hear the familiar roar of the Skiff flying over head, "Sooner than necessary." Sigyn says as they scrambled to their feet.

Sigyn led the way to the exit point that they entered, she peered around and then looked around the side to see the Skiff landing not far. She kept hidden, making sure not to be seen.

Loki also peered around the side, "Ah, our ticket home."

"We already have a Skiff." Sigyn whispered.

"If I faked my death, I need to stay dead."

"What are you planning?"

Loki merely chuckled, Sigyn looked away from the singular guard that was sent, only to hear him cry with pain. She whipped her head back around to see he was gone. "Loki..."

"Yes, dear?"

"What did you do?"

"What was necessary." a voice that was not Loki's spoke. Sigyn stumbled back out of surprise to see he had taken the form the guard sent.

"You didn't." She says with realisation.

'Loki' smiled and said, "Oh, but I did. Come now, the All-Father expects my return!" 

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