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Nothing but sound of a light sob
was heard across the hallway.


" Don't act so innocent you whining brat," Haeun hissed through her teeth.

" I-I-I-" the girl stuttered.

" And quit stuttering. You're getting annoying," Haeun said, before feeling a rough hand rip the contact between herself and the girl she was "tormenting". And before she would even register what was happening, her cheek is stinging in pain. Someone had slapped her.

" Learn some manners first before you decide to throw someone to the ground." A male voice says as her eyes focus to the guy wearing his wrinkle free school uniform that was navy blue, outlined with silver. He's right had was clenched in a fist while the other was shaking slightly.

" Did you just slap me?" Haeun asked, feeling a bunch of stinging prickles as she held her finger to her cheek again.

Haeun had never seen him ever before but the golden broach clipped on his uniform said more than enough.

" Jungkook-ah." The whining girl sobbed for the fifth time as the guy smiled at her.

" It's alright," He said.

Haeun rolled her eyes.

Jungkook turned, sending a cold look towards Haeun.

" You're coming with me."

- lol what am i even doing?- i might take this down but if any of you like the concept want me to continue, feel free to comment ^^

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- lol what am i even doing?
- i might take this down but if any of you like the concept want me to continue, feel free to comment ^^

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