F O U R T Y 7

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Haeun could feel her stomach drop once she saw her mother, tote bag hooked on one arm while a pair of sunglasses graced her eyes. Jungkook gaped, looking at the woman before him. The women held the same almond framed face, her skin tone paler than Haeun And Jae's. A few wrinkles could be spotted around the woman's eyes but apart from that, she looked like she was basically in college.

" That's your mom? " Jungkook couldn't help but point in surprise watching Haeun let out a sigh before nodding.

" She's not your sister? " He mumbled back, fully taken back at the sight of Haeun's mom who smiled slightly in amusement at the comment.

" Mom, this is Jeon Jungkook..my uh.." Haeun bit her tongue. Even Jungkook turned back to Haeun, an eyebrow raised substantially.

Who was Jungkook to Haeun anyways? Even he forgot.

" He's my..." Haeun drawled, causing Jungkook to fold his arms. Who knew the high and mighty Kim Haeun, the girl who always clung onto him every chance she got, was actually embarrassed about introducing him to her mother.

" Yeah Haeun, what am I, hm?" He smirked, enjoying his time watching Haeun squirm in place.

" Jeong Jungkook is a friend." she finished, letting out a breath. Both her mother and Jungkook stared at Haeun in shock.

" Freind?" Jungkook asked, folding his arms while her mother rolled her eyes.

" So this young and handsome man is your friend?" her mom seemed to be contemplating on the male, watching him stare down at her daughter. He was tall, well built, Haeun mom had to admit.

"Sure." Haeun nodded begrudgingly.

" Hello, you must be Mrs. Kim." Jungkook bowed slightly,

" That I am. If only Haeun had told me about her friend, I would have asked her to come to invite you over to have some tea."  she smiled sweetly.

" That's very kind of you but, I'm supposed to be taking care of my friend's brother right now...I should be going along-"

" JUNGKOOK HYUNNNNNNNNG."Hyunbin screeched, while Jungkook turned his head, eyes widening as he sees Jae falling off of the monkey bars. Hyunbin and Jae were rolling on the ground, cheeks, and clothes stained with soil. Mrs.Kim gasps, while Jungkook and Haeun sprint to the two, prying them away from each other. Haeun tugged Hyunbin back, while Jungkook lifted Jae from the ground in protest.

" What do you think you two are doing? " Jungkook hissed to the two boys. Haeun sent Jae a glare, while her mother watched the brotherly looking Jungkook holding her son.

" Hyunbin pushed me off the monkey bars." Jae glared, an arm trying to stretch to Hyunbin.

" Oh shut up Jae, before I push you off a
cliff-" Haeun glares.

" Ha-" Mrs.Kim begins, ready to scold her daughter.

" Kim Haeun, are you two? Stop making this worse." Jungkook mutters. Mrs.Kim smiles sheepishly as Jungkook manages to calm down all of the three kids.


After dragging the two boys to the opposite side of the playground Jungkook creates a makeshift courtroom, making Hyunbin and Jae sit on swings while Jungkook leaned against the metal fencing. Haeun folded her arms, curious to what Jungkook would do.

" Hyunbin, did you make Jae fall? " he asked sternly, watching the Hoseok look alike frown, head dropping and feet scraping against the safety mat below him.

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