T H I R T Y 5

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Haeun looked at her new class. The aura was different. Jungkook was no longer judging her while he talked go Mirae. There was no Aruem who kept on giving her packages of bread.

The students were talking. A few girls saw Haeun and headed over to her, probably in hopes of becoming friends with the popular girl.

Was she some sort of VIP pass at this point? It wasn't like she was anything special.

Haeun gave the girls a fake little smile, making sure her mouth curled cordially enough for the girls to smile back.

The classroom was the same as any other. A Korean flag proudly sitting on the center of the room, just above the chalkboard. The seats were parted in twos and Haeun couldn't help but to look out the boring room, maybe in just the slightest hope that she would see Jungkook strolling along the hallways.

And she did. The crisp uniform lay snugly against Jungkook's shoulders and his brown hair was covering his eyes.

Haeun could hear a few girls giggle at the sight of him.

" How can he look so good in just a uniform? Is that even possible? " One girl asked.

" What a cutie." Another one chirped. Haeun really couldn't help but roll her eyes at that.

" But why Mirae? What's so good about her? Honestly, if it was anyone Jungkook looks the best with you, Haeun." One girl had said, while the other three nodded their heads in agreement.

" Maybe Jungkook really likes her or something." Haeun shrugs.

" Well then its probably not her appearance that he fell for. You know how shallow guys are when it comes to getting girls."

Oh? Just like how shallow you are when it comes to getting friends?


The teacher for the first period gave a brief introduction and carefully checks everyone for attending.

" Alright, kids. My name's Ms.Choi. I'll be the homeroom teacher for the rest of this year. Let's all try to get along alright? " Ms. Choi smiles, watching everyone intently.

The lady was in her mid-twenties and was fairly good looking. Her amber hair was cut in a short bob, with see-through bangs spread in her eyes. Her skin was surprisingly tan but it seemed to accentuate her looks even more.

" I know you guys are Juniors, so you know you're way around this whole high school thing. But that doesn't mean you're experts. Ms.Choi states frankly, slamming her hands semi-loudly against the wooden table.

" Don't think for a second that I won't be able to see you passing around notes of the test answers because guess what? I graduated from high school too. You don't think I passed around a few answers here and then? " Some of the guys laughed at the teacher's words.

" And I have the responsibility of teaching and making sure you get to school and actually do work, so I don't want to see anyone walking in class la-"

" Sorry, I'm late." The door opened ironically in time, revealing the oh so popular Jung Hoseok with his unremovable sweatband wrapped around his forehead. Haeun scoffed in surprise. She didn't remember seeing his name on the class list.

The class erupts into laughter as Hoseok looks around in utter confusion.

" And already a troublemaker arrives. What's your name kid?"

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