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Preparations for the big halloween party seemed to be endless. Jungkook was scurrying around, getting loads of permissions from deans and the vice principals. He had to make sure everything was perfect. This party was going to be perfect, with Haeun, or not.

Swatting off a speck of nonexistent dust from his shoulder, Jungkook taps his pen on his cherished clipboard awaiting for further instructions from Jihyun Sunbae.

Everything was going to go well.

Or so Jungkook hoped. The tutor lesson from Yesterday didn't seem to sit well in Jungkook at the moment, remembering Haeun's deceptive words.

Why did it have to be him? He didn't want this clingy girl hooking onto him for the rest of the highschool year.

It would make things a whole lot worse for him.

He had to channel out the weird feelings emerging first. Make sure it dispersed into nothing.

Suddenly a pair of warm hands encased around Jungkook's eyes, creating a warm aura around him.

Jungkook rolled his eyes, taking the girl's arms off his face and turning around.

" Can you not,Kim Ha-" Jungkook's eyes widen as he sees Mirae staring up at him in utter confusion.

" Oh?, Mirae. It's you."

" Ofcourse, who did you think I was? " Mirae laughs, wiggling her eyebrows.

" No one. So why are you here? "

" Just wanted to make sure our talented president is working hard."

" Vice.You mean vice president. "

" Please, we know you do more than the actual president does."

" That's not.." Jungkook begins and Mirae shakes her head.

" No Jungkook, it is. By the way, how's your tutoring going? "

" Don't ask." Jungkook rolls his eyes.

" The sooner I leave tutoring the better."

" I heard Haeun's pretty smart."

" Really? I couldn't tell."

" Aw, cheer up Jungkook. It's not that bad."

" Oh yeah, it's not bad. I'm just wasting my time with the girl who sent you flying on the ground."

Mirae stayed quiet, pursing her lips.

" Let's go, we're gonna be late for math."


Haeun stared long and hard at Jungkook's facial features in the library. The angled tilt in his head, as he looked at the math question intently. Even though Haeun knew Jungkook had absolutely no idea what he was looking at, she found it cute.

" You know, if you keep staring a hole behind my head, I'm going to rep-"

" Report me for staring at you? Jungkook, you have to come up with better punishments. " Haeun laughed, free handinglo a doodle on the corner of the paper.

" With you, I can report you for anything." He muttered,

Especially for making me feel this way, his head voice said calmly. Jungkook heard Haeun's velvety laugh ringing in his ears. He didn't know how long he could deal with this for.

" I think you should wear be a witch for the party. Your personality isn't far off from it either." Jungkook retorts and continues to write nonsense into his paper.

" A witch? Hmm, I actually like that. I'll be Glinda the good witch of the south, from the Wizard of Oz."

" I was going for the wicked witch of the west." Jungkook said, snickering as Haeun gave him a glare.

" Excuse me? Are you calling me ugly? "

" Unfortunately, yes." Jungkook watched, satisfied at the way Haeun's face crinkle in offense.

" Then tell me Jungkook." Haeun whispered, holding Jungkook's chin. Jungkook watched, heart throbbing as Haeun pulled her face close to his.

" Do I look ugly to you? "

" No, but I wish you were." Jungkook sighed, pushing Haeun's forehead back with his finger.


" Why is it her? WHY IS IT HER? " The voice in the video screamed out of desperation. She sounded tired and her eyes were nearly red from the tears she was shedding.

" Can't you leave us alone? You really don't know when to take a hint." The male across from her says, rolling his eyes in annoyance.

" It's because she's pretty and she's talented right? It's cuz she's everything you could ask her." The girl hissed back,

" Obviously.Did you really think I was going to date you? "

The girl let a whimper and then the sound of gasps ripple from the blaring phone screen. The one in the hoodie laughed once he turned off his phone.

" I took that video back in middle school." He replied with a smile.

" Middle School? What a stalker. " the other gapes in surprise, while the one in the hoodie laughs.

" It's hilarious. The things your tend to forget always come to bite you back."

- this book is the literal representationof trash :D greeat

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- this book is the literal representation
of trash :D greeat

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