T H I R T Y 3

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Still the same.

With the dramatic end to the year, Haeun was back in school, dreading each and every moment in it. The new year hadn't even started and it already felt like it was falling through her fingers, imitating that of sand. Of course, after the tears she had shed, Haeun had left that playground, with the cold feeling as harsh as it was before.

It felt just like the old days, which she had so eagerly wanted to forget. Jeon Jungkook had managed to bring out the worst in her and she didn't even know it.

After the bell had rung to show the beginning of class, Haeun had sat back from her seat, watching Jungkook and MIrae walk in together like normal. Immediately she had noticed the small piercing on Jungkook's ear along with a carefree smile plastered across his face.

Haeun could only imagine what had happened between them. They probably a couple now, distracting both the girls and the boys. The incident from that day still had been replaying in her head and the more she saw it, the more miserable she felt.

A few guys in her class said a brief hello, while Haeun faked a smile. From her right, she hears some girls talking about the video of her from last year, making up their own crazy theories about it. Haeun rolled her eyes before turning back to see Jungkook watching her intently. Haeun freeze for a moment, mouth going dry. Of course, Jungkook didn't see the state that he left her in. He didn't care. Haeun forced her self to smile at him, ignoring the weird look Mirae gave her.

Haeun stood up, walking over to Mr.Feng who was staring at his computer.

" Mr.Feng? " Haeun asked, watching her math teacher look up at her.

" Oh, Haeun. Did you finish the work?"

" No, I actually wanted to talk to you about this whole tutoring thing," Haeun said. Mr. Feng nods, closing his computer before giving all his attention to Haeun.

" Oh? What about it?"

" I don't think I want to do it anymore." Haeun smiled lightheartedly. Mr. Feng raised his eyebrows.

" Can I ask why?"

Haeun bit her lip uncomfortably.

Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because the guy that I'm helping hates me and has a girlfriend who's just as capable as me.

No, she couldn't say that.

" I-uh, have to study for my own tests so I don't think I can keep tutoring Jungkook."

" Ah, well that's too bad, Jungkook's grades were improving once you taught him. But this semester is going to ends tomorrow, do you think you can tutor him just for today? I'll be happy to give you credits for your help."

Haeun gives him a nod.

" Do you think you can keep this from Jungkook? I don't want to offend him in any way." Mr.Feng gives her a knowing smile, watching Haeun head back to her seat. Haeun finds Aruem sitting in the empty seat beside her, writing down a few things on a notebook.

" Um, what do you think you're doing here?" Haeun asks.

" I'm sitting here."

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